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ARTICLE IV — ACTION ON ITEMS <br />SECTION 1. Manner of Voting and Decision. The voting on Committee agenda <br />items shall be entered upon the minutes of such meeting with the ayes and the noes <br />and any abstentions set forth with specificity. No action shall be taken by the <br />Committee unless it is concurred upon and adopted by the affirmative vote of more than <br />one-half of the Committee members present. Any member who voted with the majority <br />on any action may move for reconsideration of such action only at the same meeting. <br />SECTION 2. Order of Voting. When a motion has been made and seconded, the <br />members of the Committee supporting the motion shall indicate their votes verbally or <br />by a show of hands. <br />SECTION 3. Processing of Motions. A motion shall be made and seconded. Any <br />debate, if any, would then follow. If it is likely there may be confusion as to the motion, <br />the chair should ask the Recording Secretary to read from his/her notes. A motion may <br />not be withdrawn by the mover without the consent of the second and the approval of <br />the Committee. <br />SECTION 4. Motion by Chair. The chair has the right to make or second motions <br />and, in his/her absence, when the vice -chair is acting in the same capacity, he/she has <br />the same right, using discretion and tact as to recognition of other members. <br />SECTION 5. Priority of Motion. When a motion is before the Committee, no motion <br />shall be entertained except (1) to adjourn, (2) to fix hour of adjournment, (3) to lay on <br />the table, (4) for the previous question, (5) to postpone to a certain day, (6) to refer, (7) <br />to amend, and (8) to postpone indefinitely. These motions shall have precedence in the <br />order indicated. <br />SECTION 6. Motion to Approve or Deny. The vote is affirmative when a motion to <br />approve the matter before the Committee is approved by the majority. In the event a <br />motion to deny fails to carry, the chair shall call for a motion to approve. <br />SECTION 7. Tie Vote. In the event of a tie vote on a motion, the Committee shall <br />be deemed to have made no decision, and the Minutes shall reflect the tie vote. <br />SECTION 8. Vote Required on Other Motions. The vote required to decide motions <br />in the affirmative shall be the vote of more than one-half of the members of the <br />Committee present. <br />SECTION 9. Appeal of Decision. Any decision or ruling of the chair may be <br />appealed to the Committee by request of any member and seconded by another. The <br />chair shall then call a vote to see if the chair's decision shall be upheld. <br />12 2016 XXX PWA 06b EA2 ETAC Bylaws.docx 50B-10 4 <br />