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SECTION 5. Ad -Hoc Committees. The Chair, in consultation with the Committee, <br />may appoint ad-hoc committees created for a specific task on an as -needed basis to <br />study a specific topic or subject and return to the full Committee with a <br />recommendation. <br />SECTION 6. Committee Member Absences. If a member of the Committee absents <br />himself or herself from two (2) regular meetings of the Committee, consecutively, unless <br />by permission of the Committee expressed in its official minutes, or fails to attend at <br />least one-half (1/2) of the regular meetings of the Committee within a calendar year, or <br />is convicted of a crime involving moral turpitude, or ceases to be a qualified elector of <br />the city [except that members representing the Chambers of Commerce shall not be <br />required to be qualified electors of the City], the office shall become vacant and shall be <br />so declared by the city council. A notification, of non-attendance to the Recording <br />Secretary by either e-mail, telephone or through message, relayed by staff or other <br />Committee member may be deemed as an "excused absence" after consideration and <br />vote of a majority of the Committee. Failure to give notification of non-attendance as <br />described herein shall be deemed as "unexcused." <br />SECTION 7. Abstentions and Conflicts of Interest. No member of the Committee <br />shall abstain from any vote unless disqualified. If a member of the Committee feels that <br />he/she is disqualified from voting, the member shall openly state the fact and the nature <br />of the disqualification, and then leave the room during the matter's debate and vote. <br />SECTION 8. Discussion. Each Committee member may speak for five minutes on <br />an agenda item, if he/she desires. Once all Committee Members have had the <br />opportunity to speak, a Committee Member may speak again when recognized by the <br />chair. <br />SECTION 9. Brown Act Compliance. All proceedings of the Committee shall be <br />conducted in accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act (California Government Code <br />Section 54950 et seq.), as amended from time to time. <br />SECTION 10. Parliamentary Procedures. The current edition of Robert's Rules of <br />Order Newly Revised shall be the authority on all questions of parliamentary procedure, <br />unless in conflict -with the Santa Ana Municipal Code, the laws of the State of California <br />or these bylaws. <br />SECTION 11. Amendment of Bylaws. The Bylaws of the Committee shall be <br />amended only with the approval of at least four (4) members of the Committee at a <br />regular or special meeting, but no such amendment shall be adopted unless at least <br />seven (7) days written notice thereof has been previously given to all members of the <br />Committee. Such notice shall identify the section(s) of the bylaws proposed to be <br />amended. <br />12 20 16 XXX PWA 06b EA2 ETAC Bylaws.docx 50B-9 3 <br />