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THE SANTA ANA ENVIRONMENTAL <br />AND TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE <br />BYLAWS <br />ARTICLE I — THE COMMITTEE <br />SECTION 1. Name of Committee. The name of the Committee shall be the Santa <br />Ana ENVIRONMENTAL AND TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE. <br />SECTION 2. Duties of the Chair. The chair shall .be'an officer of the committee and <br />preside at all the meetings of the Committee, authorize calls for any special meetings <br />subject to the availability of Public Works Agency staff;, and execute all documents <br />authorized by the Committee. <br />SECTION 3. Duties of the Vice -Chair. The vice -chair shall be an officer of the <br />committee and perform the duties of the chair in the absence or incapacity of the chair; <br />and in the case of the resignation or death of a chair, the vice- chair shall perform duties <br />as are imposed on the chair until such time as the Committee shall elect anew chair. <br />SECTION 4. Recording Secretary, The Executive Director of the Public Works <br />Agency shall appoint an employee to serve as Recording Secretary of the Committee, <br />who shall issue notice of all regular and special meetings, and shall perform such duties <br />as are generally associated with that office. <br />SECTION 5. Additional Duties of Committee Officers. The officers of the Committee <br />shall perform such other duties and functions as may from time to time be required by <br />the Committee, the Santa Ana Municipal Code, the bylaws, or rules and regulations of <br />the Committee. <br />SECTION 6. Appointment/Removal. Committee Members shall be subject to <br />appointment and removal, and shall serve terms in accordance with section 901 of the <br />Charter of the City, of Santa Ana. <br />ARTICLE II — COMMITTEE -OFFICERS <br />SECTION 1. Selection and Term of Officers. The Committee shall have two elected <br />offices: Chair and Vice Chair. The chair and vice -chair shall be elected during the <br />month of June in each calendar year and shall take office effective the first day of July <br />following each said election. Nominations for officers shall be made in person. In the <br />event of a vacancy in the office of chair or vice -chair, the Committee shall elect one of <br />its members to the unexpired term. <br />Exhibit 2 <br />12 20 16 XXX PWA 06b Exh2 ETAC Bylaws.docx 50B-7 1 <br />