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1.3. To facilitate site visits, conference calls and audits of Grantee, as reasonably requested by <br />City. <br />2. Funding, <br />2.1. Subject to Grantee's performance of all required actions under this Agreement, City shall <br />provide funding in two disbursements, the first to be issued after execution of the Agreement, <br />and the second at the midway paint of the Project, after the City's review and approval of the <br />midway Report described in section 1.2 of this Agreement, in an amount not to exceed <br />Thousand Dollars ($ ) ("Grant Amount" or "Grant"). <br />2.2. Appropriate performance of the Grantee will be determined by City in its sole discretion. <br />City reserves the right to cease funding after each disbursement. <br />2.3. City represents that there is no correlation or connection between its selection of <br />organizations for grant awards and an organization's business relationship or potential business <br />relationship with City. <br />3. Term. This Agreement shall be effective upon signature by both Parties and shall expire one <br />year from the date first written above, unless terminated earlier in accordance with this <br />Agreement. The term of this Agreement may be extended upon a writing executed by the City <br />Manager and City Attorney. <br />4. Termination. <br />4.1. City may immediately terminate this Agreement upon one or more of the following: <br />4.1.1. Grantee's violation of any federal, state or local law or regulation. <br />41.2. Grantee's breach of any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement, including the <br />Application and Timeline, or any unapproved deviation from said documents which has <br />not been cured within 30 days of written notice of such breach. <br />4.2. In the event the Agreement is terminated under Section 4.1, City reserves the right to <br />require Grantee to refund any or all grant funds awarded to Grantee under this Agreement, and <br />Grantee agrees to refund to City any or all grant funds awarded under this Agreement. <br />5. Limitation of Liability. <br />5.1. IN NO EVENT SHALL CITY BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR <br />CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR EXPENSES FOR ANY NEGLIGENCE, BREACH OF <br />CONTRACT OR ANY OTHER ACT ARISING OUT OF OR RELATING TO THIS AGREEMENT <br />OR THE ACTIVITIES COVERED HEREUNDER <br />5.2. Section 5 and Section 6 do not limit Grantee's rights, including its ability to seek recovery, <br />against anyone other than City, its directors, officers, employees, agents, successors and <br />assigns. <br />6. Indemnification. <br />6.1. Grantee shall defend, indemnify, protect and hold harmless the City, or its elected and <br />appointed officers, employees, members or agents from and against all claims for damages, <br />liability, cost and expense (including without limitation attorney's fees) arising out of or alleged <br />65D-22 <br />