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existing and identified redevelopment sites created in Task 3A. The demand component of the model will <br />encompass demand rates reflecting traditional Santa Ana development (using ITE parking demand rates for <br />single -use land uses potentially calibrated based on actual parking occupancy data) and MEMU mixed-use <br />development (based on our modified version of the Urban Land Institute Shared Parking methodology that <br />includes reductions for alternative mode use). DKS will run up to three modeling scenarios representing three <br />timeframes and three levels of maturity of the development and surrounding context (including pedestrian, <br />bicycle, transit and roadway infrastructure and services), and prepare maps illustrating the outcome. The <br />modeling will help Identify and justify proposed transitionary and phased parking strategies by identifying the <br />magnitude and location of any parking surplus or deficit, and allow the testing of various public and private <br />parking strategies (e.g., the effect of locating a small public parking lot within the Active <br />Task4: Transitional Parking Strategy Development and Proposed Zoning Code <br />Purpose: This task uses the information from Tasks 2 and 3 to Inform the development of potential <br />transitionary and phased strategies for implementing the parking requirements in the MEMU Overlay <br />District. The menu of strategies will be vetted with City staff, stakeholders and decision -makers and refined <br />into language appropriate for amending the City's zoning code and/or MEMU Overlay District's development <br />standards. <br />DKS, with technical support from RRM, will develop a menu of short-range and long-range transitionary <br />parking strategies categorized by implementing entity, cost, effectiveness, timeframe and sub -district. RRM <br />will prepare up to three development standard graphics to illustrate proposed strategies to the extent the <br />strategies can be illustrated. DKS will provide technical supporting information from our literature review and <br />research, data collection, and parking scenario modeling (from Task 36). Consideration would be given to the <br />citywide applicability of the strategies. <br />The menu of strategies will be initially vetted through City staff with the intent of presenting the strategies in a <br />community/stakeholder forum and subsequently in a Planning Commission or City Council study session. The <br />forum and study session would inform the preparation of potential language for amending the City's zoning <br />code and MEMU Overlay District development standards. <br />Task 5: Meeting Attendance, Deliverables, and Environmental Document Advisement <br />Purpose: This task Identifies the meetings DKS staff will attend as part of this proposal and the level of effort <br />DKS will commit to advising City staff with regards to the preparation of the environmental document for <br />the comprehensive General Plan and zoning code update. <br />Attendance at Meetings: DKS' Project Manager and/or Local Coordinatorwill prepare for, and attend, the <br />following meetings: <br />• Kick-off meeting with City staff <br />One community workshops/stakeholder forum <br />Monthly progress meetings with staff In person and/or by phone <br />One Planning Commission or City Council study session or, alternatively, one Planning Commission <br />General Plan & Zoning Subcommittee meeting <br />One Planning Commission public hearing <br />One City Council public hearing <br />Deliverables: <br />Administrative draft technical report (three hard copies) <br />• Final public draft technical report (three hard copies) <br />• Final public technical report (three hard copies) <br />• Electronic files of all administrative draft, final public draft, and final public technical reports (one <br />CD or USB flash drive) in both Microsoft Word format and editable PDF <br />13 <br />25F-17 <br />