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Environmental Document Advisement: DKSonmental Document Advisementative draft, final public <br />drafthe our technical work into environmental documentation and will attend public hearings to receive <br />comments on DKS' technical work to the extent the public hearings are included in the list of meetings <br />above. <br />The time schedule illustrates the DKS team's estimated schedule to complete this study. Consistentwith City <br />staffs expectations, we propose to complete the study in approximately six months. The schedule Identifies <br />weeks when we would deliver draft and final products, and allows for staff review time. The schedule also <br />identifies when we would expect to conduct milestone meetings <br />'S" e' . ° �r <br />Tasks <br />S Project Management ^Cf . ® ;> _4 ', 0r A, <br />2 Literature Review and <br />Data Collection <br />3A Land Use and Development <br />Capacity Analysis <br />3l3 Parking Scenario Modeling <br />4 Transitional Parking Strategies <br />arid Proposed Zoning Code <br />S Meetings, Dellverables and <br />Environmental Advisement ` <br />6'ah, rellveraW (tl-Communi"r roam <br />Fuad Dcfvur„9rle(nl b-Fanwng Comnms;on(C¢y Courff> Seshtnd <br />off Yneting $- Pr,Jctt Nt]I nr,c�cnt b`-ec--ting' <br />^Mr D6 wJri, pmd Piunnmg Comm 5*n Public e-usg`",OR <br />6h'Sr1EReview1'GIP Crmrcl7u4s�c l{caring" <br />'Note: The schedukl assumes a standard set of deliverables and staff <br />review time before and after all meetings, Standard deliverables <br />include: Meting agenda, draft PowerPoint presentation, meeting <br />notes with action items and entity responsible for action. Standard <br />staff review time is Approximately 2-3 days except for large and <br />complex presentations which may extend to a week. <br />"''Note: Tyre Planning Commission and City Coundl public; hearings <br />are anticipated to Occur Outside of tha schedule for this project. <br />E <br />25F-18 <br />