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Receive and File Report on Water And Sewer Projects <br />January 17, 2017 <br />Page 2 <br />Lining of Sewer Main (at various locations): 17,205 Linear Feet <br />4. In addition to sewer main pipe replacement and relining, the City has replaced lateral <br />connections from sewer main pipe to the property line: <br />Sewer Laterals Replaced: <br />350 <br />5. The City's Fats, Oil, and Grease Management & Control Program (FOG) routinely inspects <br />known sources of these contaminants to ensure compliance with applicable regulations, and <br />to maximize its capture and diversion before entering the City's sewer or storm water systems. <br />This program is a critical element of sewer maintenance, extending the life of the associated <br />infrastructure assets. Activity for the specified period is as follows: <br />FOG Inspections: <br />am <br />6. Various other activity and improvements in this period are as follows: <br />• Automated Meter Infrastructure feasibility study <br />• Installation of 4 new upgraded chlorination units (11 planned) <br />• East Station Motor Control Center Upgrades <br />• Water Master Plan and Hydraulic Model <br />• Sewer Master Plan and Hydraulic Model <br />• Well 37 Roof Repair <br />• Construction of South Station Perimeter <br />• Cambridge Pump Station Automatic Transfer Switch installation <br />• East Station Emergency Generator Installation <br />• West Station Emergency Generator Installation <br />• Well 27 discharge piping assembly and Cla -val installation <br />The Public Works Agency will continue to allocate funds in future years as approved by Council <br />for the continued repair, rehabilitation, and replacement of sewer and water capital assets. <br />STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT <br />Approval of this item supports the City's efforts to meet Goal #6 - Community Facilities & <br />Infrastructure, Objective #1 (establish and maintain a Community Investment Plan for all City <br />assets), Strategy G (develop and implement the City's Capital Improvement Program in <br />coordination with the Community Investment and Deferred Maintenance Plans [e.g. transit vision, <br />street car, fixed guideway project, SARTC master plan, Bristol Street widening, neighborhood <br />streets, traffic improvements, park facilities, sport fields, soccer fields, senior centers, bike master <br />plan, etc.]). <br />19G -2 <br />