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BENTLEY SELECT PROGRAM AGREEMENT <br />Professional Services <br />Exhibit C <br />Dated as of January 2010 <br />Professional Services. <br />Lot. Subscriber may request professional services from time to time and <br />Bentley may agree to perform such services pursuant to this <br />Agreement. The description of professional services requested by <br />Subscriber and which Bentley agrees to perform shall beset forth <br />in one or more written descriptions. labeled "SELECT <br />Professional Services" and signed by Subscriber mid Bentley <br />(each an "Order "), Bentley shall have the right to accept or <br />decline any proposed Order. Each Order shall set forth, at a <br />minimum, the work to be done, the number of Bentleys personnel <br />to be assigned to Subscriber's work, the duration of each <br />individual's assignment, and the fees for the work. The services <br />and other provisions described on the Order(s) are referred to <br />collectively as the "Work" while the results of the Work, if any, <br />are referred to as the "Work Product" <br />1.02, Mothod of Performance. Bentley, in conjunction with its <br />personnel, will determine the method, details, and means of <br />performing the work to be carried out for Subscriber, including the <br />use of sub - contractors if deemed. necessary. Subscriber shall have <br />no right to, and shall not, control the manner or determine the <br />method of accomplishing such work. Subscriber may, however, <br />require Bentley's personnel to observe at all times the security and <br />safety policies of Subscriber. In addition, Subscriber shall be <br />entitled to exercise a broad general power of supervising and <br />control over the results of work performed by Bentley to ensure <br />satisfactory performance. This power of supervision shall include <br />the right to inspect, stop work, make suggestions or <br />recommendations as to the details of the work, and request <br />modifications to the scope of an Order. <br />1.03. Scheduling, Bentley will try to :accommodate work schedule <br />requests of Subscriber to the extent possible, Should any persormel <br />of Bentley be unable to perform scheduled services because of <br />illness, resignation, or other causes beyond Barley's reasonable <br />control, Bentley will attempt to replace such personnel within a <br />reasonable time, but Bentley shall not be liable for failure if it is <br />unable to do so, giving due regard to its other commitments and <br />priorities. <br />1.04. Reporting, Subscriber will advise Bentley of the individuals to <br />wham Bentley's manager will report progress on day -to -day work. <br />Subscriber and Bentley shall develop appropriate administrative <br />procedures for performance of work at Subscriber's site, if <br />necessary. Subscriber shall periodically prepare an evaluation of <br />the work performed by Bentley for submission to Bentley upon <br />Bentley's request. <br />1.05. Place of Work. Certain projects or tasks may require Bentley's <br />personnel to perform work for Subscriber at Subscriber's premises. <br />In the event that such projects or tasks are required to be performed <br />at Subscriber's premises, Subscriber agrees to provide working <br />space and facilities, and any other services and materials Bentley <br />or its personnel gray reasonably request in order to perform their <br />work. Subscriber recognizes that there may be a need to train <br />Bentley's personnel in the unique procedures used tit Subscriber's <br />location. When Subscriber 'determines that such training is <br />necessary, Subscriber shall, unless otherwise agreed in writing, pay <br />Bentley for its personnel's training time. <br />t,06. Non - Exclusive. Bentley shall retain the right to perform work for <br />others during the term of this Agreement. Subscriber shell retain <br />the right to cause work or the sane or a different kind to be <br />performed by its own persomod or other contractors .during the <br />term of this Agreement. <br />1.07, Perpetual License. Upon full payment for the Work, Bentley shall <br />grant Subscriber a paid-up, perpetual, Loyalty -fice right and license <br />SEL002520. 1/0005 6/11 <br />to use the Work Product for Production Use. Bentley retains all <br />right, title and interest to the Work Product not otherwise granted <br />to Subscriber. <br />1.0& Preexisting Works of Bentley, Notwithstanding Section 1.07 of <br />Exhibit C hereof, Bentley hereby reserves and retains ownership of <br />all works which Bentley created unrelated to the Work performed <br />pursuant to any Order, including but not limited to Products (the <br />"Pre - Existing Works "). Bentley does not grant Subscriber any <br />rights or licenses with respect to the Pre - Existing Works. <br />L09. Residuals. It is mutually acknowledged that, during the normal <br />course of its dealings with Subscriber and the Work, Bentley and <br />its personnel and agents may become acquainted with ideas, <br />concepts, know -how, methods, techniques, processes, skills, and <br />adaptations pertaining to the Work, including those that Subscriber <br />considers to be proprietary or secret. Notwithstanding anything in <br />this Agreement to the contrary, and regardless of any termination <br />of this Agreement, Bentley shall be entitled to use, disclose, . and <br />otherwise employ any ideas, concepts, know -how, methods, <br />techniques, processes, and skills, adaptations, including <br />generalized features of the sequence, structure, and organization of <br />any works of authorship, in conducting its business (including <br />providing services or creating programming or materials for other <br />customers), and Subscriber shall not assert against Bentley or its <br />personnel any prohibition or restraint from so doing. <br />1.10. Third -Party Interests. Subscriber's interest in and obligations <br />with respect to any programming, materials, or data to be obtained <br />from third -party vendors, regardless of whether obtained with the <br />.assistance of Bentley, shall be determined in accordance with the <br />agreements and policies of such vendors, <br />I'll. Pees. Bentley shall be paid the fee as specified in each Order <br />(which Bentley reserves the right to change upon at least sixty (60) <br />days advance notice or at any time for any new Order or modified <br />portion area existing Order), or, if no fee is specified, ai nentley's <br />customary rates for the level of personnel providing such services. <br />1.12. Expenses. Subscriber shall also pay either the actual cost of <br />Bentley's reasonable travel and living expenses or all agreed-to <br />amount for such travel and living expenses (other than -normal <br />commutation travel) for Bentley employees in the performance of <br />Work set forth in each Order along with all other out -of- pocket <br />expenses incurred by Bentley <br />1.13. Estimates. Estimates of total fees for projects may be provided in <br />an Order, but Bentley does not gurrance such estimates. Bentley <br />will, however, notify Subscriber as soon as possible if it wilt <br />exceed the estimate, and Subscriber may then terminate the project <br />and pay only for services actually rendered if Subscriber so <br />chooses. <br />1.14. Confidentiality. In the peramnanee of the Work, Bentley may <br />acquire information of Subscriber which is proprietary, non - public <br />and identified in writing as confidential by Subscriber. Bentley <br />shall not disclose to anyone not employed by Subscriber nor use <br />except on behalf of Subscriber any such confidential information <br />sequined in the performnce of the Work except as authorized by <br />subscriber in writing and as may be permitted by Section 1.09 of <br />this Exhibit C. Bentley shall have no obligation of confidentiality <br />with respect to any ]information of Subscriber that (i) has entered <br />the public domain other than through a breach of this Agreement, <br />(ii) has been rightfully obtained by Bentley from a thin] party with <br />no obligation of confidentiality, or (iii) is previously known by <br />Bentley as demonstrated by clear and convincing evidence. <br />Notwithstanding the foregoing restrictions, Bentley and its <br />personnel may use and disclose any information to the extent <br />required by all order of any court or other governmental authority <br />Page 11 of 12 <br />25A -15 <br />