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BENTLEY SELECT PR(JGRAM AGREEMENT <br />General Terms and Conditions <br />Exhibit B <br />Dated as of January 2010 <br />8. <br />Miscellaneous, <br />International Sale of Goads, as amended, and of the Uniform <br />Computer Information. 'Transactions Act, as it may have been or <br />8.01. <br />Assignment Subscriber shall not assign this Agreement or delegate <br />hereafter may be in effect in any jurisdiction, shall not apply to this <br />its duties hereunder without prior written consent by Bentley. For <br />Agreement, <br />purposes of this Agreement, a change in control of Subscriber shalt, be 810 <br />considered an assignment for which Bentley's prior written consent is <br />Arbitration. In Ilse event of any dispute, controversy or claim <br />hereby granted provided that the surviving entity from such change in <br />between the panics arising under this Agreement, the parties shall <br />control must cuter into a SELECT Agreement, This Agreement may <br />submit to binding arbitration before a single at in Philadelphia, <br />be assigned by Bentley to any successor in interest. to Bentley's <br />Pennsylvania in accordance with the Commercial Arbitration Rules of <br />business or to any direct or indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of <br />the American Arbitration Association. The decision of the arbitrator <br />Bentley Systems, incorporated. Any purported assignment In <br />shall be final and binding on the parties, and the judgment upon the <br />violation of this provision shall be void and without effect. <br />award rendered by the arbitrator shall be enforceable in any court of <br />competent jurisdiction. Each patty shall bear its own attorney's fees, <br />8.02. <br />Entire Agreement, This Agreement, together with the Exhibits and <br />costs, and expenses incurred in such arbitration. <br />signed Amendments, if any; incorporate the entire agreement of the <br />parties and supersede and merge all prior oral and written agreements, $.11. <br />Independent Contractor. Bentley's relationship with Subscriber for <br />discussions and understandings between the parties with respect to <br />all purposes herermrler shall be that of sit independent contractor and <br />. <br />the subject matter hereof. The terns and conditions of this Agreement <br />nothing herein shall be construed as creating, at any time, an <br />and of the applicable Bentley confirmation shall apply to each order <br />employer and employee relationship between the parties. <br />accepted or shipped by Bentley hereunder. Any additional or different <br />terns or conditions appearing on a purchase order issued by 8.12. <br />Change of Ownership. Subscriber shall provide Bentley with sixty <br />Subscriber hereunder, even if Bentley acknowledges such items and <br />(60) days advance written notice of any changes in its ownership or <br />conditions, shall not be binding on the parties unless both parties <br />location, <br />expressly agree in a separate writing as provided under Section 8,03 <br />of this Exhibit B. 8.13. <br />Headings, The Iieeferen Jr, this Agreement are intended solely for <br />o <br />convenience of reference and shall not effect fie meaning or <br />8.03. <br />Amendments. Except as otherwise contemplated herein with respect <br />interpretation of this Agreement. <br />to updating, amending. and supplementing the exhibits, this <br />Agreement may only be amended or modified by writing duly <br />executed by authorized representatives of the patties, provided, <br />however, that any additional or different terms or oonditiona <br />appearing on a purchase order, even if required to be acknowledged <br />by Bentley, shall not be binding on the parties. <br />8.04. <br />Notices. Notices under this Agreement shall be made or given as of <br />the date of other Band delivery or mailing to such patty, if .sent <br />prepaid cerhfted mail or next day air delivery to the address set Forth <br />on the first page of this Agreement. All trances under this Agreement <br />shall be addroised, if to Bentley_, to its General Counsel, and if to <br />Subscriber, to its authorized representative identified in this <br />Agreement or in it subsequent notice to Bentley:. <br />8.05. <br />Force Majeure.• Bentley shall not be liable for failure to fulfill the <br />terms of Una Agreement due to fire, strike, war, government <br />.regulations, acts OF God labor disturbances, acts of terrorism or other <br />causes which are unavoidable and beyond its control, <br />8.06. <br />Waiver. The failure of either party to insist upon any of its rights <br />under this Agreement upon one or more occasions, or to exercise any <br />of its rights, shall hot be deemed a waiver of such rights on any <br />subsequent occasions. <br />8.07. <br />Survival. The covenants contained in this Agreement which, by their <br />terms, require or contemplate performance by the parties after the <br />expiration or termination of the Agreement (including, but not limited <br />to, Sections 5.0 1 (a), (b), (e) and (d) and 6.01 of Exhibit A, Sections 1, <br />2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.04, 7.05 and 8 of Exhibit B, and Sections 1.06, 1.03, <br />I.(18, 1,09, 1.10, 1.11, 1,12, 1,14, 1.16 and 1.17 of Exhibit C) shall be <br />enforceable notwithstanding said expiration or teimination. <br />8108. <br />Severnbility. The provisions of this Agreement shall be severable and <br />the invalidity or mmcnforeeability of soy one provision shall not affect <br />ally other unless otherwise noted. <br />8.09. <br />Governing Law, This Agreement shall be governed by, interpreted, <br />and enforced in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of <br />Pennsylvania; without regard to conflicts of low provisions. To the <br />maxinuan extent permitted by applicable 1nw, the patties agree that <br />the provisions of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the <br />SE1002520- 1/0005 6/11 <br />page 10 of 12 <br />25A -14 <br />