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BENTLEY SELECT PROGRAM AGREEMENT <br />SELECT Program Benefits <br />Exhibit A <br />Dated as of January 2010 <br />use homed, nor shall Subscriber be liable for any breaches of <br />SELECT Program services that the same CALs or <br />such license by its employees. Such home use licensee granted <br />Products Under a perpetual license would entitle <br />harounderwiil expire upon termination of this Agreement. <br />Subscriber to receive. <br />(d) Evaluation of Products. If a Product is designated as eligible <br />(5) Subscriber recognizes that the CALs, Products and <br />pn SELECT Online, Bentley hereby grants to Subscriber, <br />Portfolios acquired or licensed under a Subscription <br />subject to its compliance with the procedures or this Section <br />License are provided to Subscriber for use only for the <br />5,02(d) of Exhibit A, a limited nontransferable non-exclusive <br />applicable License Term or any renewal term. In no event <br />right to create, using SELECT Online (following the registration <br />will a Subscription License continue beyond the expiration <br />requirements set forth on SELECT Online), one (1) copy par <br />or earlier nomination of the SELECT Agreement under <br />Site of each Product contained on SELECT Online solely for <br />which it is granted. Subscriber recognizes that CAL <br />Evaluation Use of such Product, provided that Subscriber shall <br />Subscriptions, Product Subscriptions and Portfolio <br />have no right to create evaluation copies of Products previously <br />Subscriptions may be delivered to Subscriber with <br />licensed by Subscriber. The duration of use of an evaluation <br />embedded Time Clocks. Subscriber agrees that Time <br />copy shall not exceed. thirty (30) days, and Bentley may provide <br />Clocks are not considered a defect of such Subscription <br />the Product with a mechanism that will cause the Product to <br />Licenses and riskiness Bentley from any and all claims, <br />time out or expire attar thirty (30) days. Upon the earlier of the <br />however characterized, arising from or related to Time <br />conclusion of such (30) day evaluation period or the termination <br />Clocks or their operation. Subscriber may not remove or <br />of this Agreement, Subscriber shall destroy all copies of <br />evade'llme Clocks. <br />Products created for evaluation hereunder and, upon request by <br />Bentley, certify such destruction in writing. <br />(6) In the event of any inconsistency between this Section <br />5.97(4) of Exhibit A and ally other - Section or Exhibit of <br />(e) Subscription Licensing. <br />this Agreement, or between this Section 5.02(x) of Exhibit <br />A and the terms and conditions in the license agreement <br />(1) Subscribe' may, upon Bentley's approval, license certain <br />provided with any Product or CAL that is the subject of a <br />Products, or acquire CATS, for a specified term (a <br />Subscription License, this Section 5.02(e) of Exhibit A <br />"Subscription Lyeease "). A Subscription License may <br />shall control with respect to Subscription Licenses. <br />entitle Subscriber to license rights in a single Product (a <br />"Product Subscription") or a specified portfolio of (f) <br />Client Solrwore Benefits. "Client Access License" or "CAL" <br />Products (a "Portfolio Subscription ") for Production Use, <br />Is a license right to install and use Client Software and permit <br />in Object Code form and within ilia Country, Each <br />User to access Server Products licensed by Subscriber. If Client <br />Portfolio Subscription is licensed for use on a single <br />Software is designated as eligible on SELECT Online, <br />computer at one time, and its component parts or <br />Subscriber may, up to the total number of CAU licensed by <br />individual Product damsels, if any, may not be separated <br />Subscriber, -for Production Use only; (1) install and rise Client <br />for use on more Bum one computer. To be eligible to <br />Software; (2) permit Users, including External Users, to access <br />participate, Subscriber must be current on all outstanding <br />Serve Products licensed by Subscriber; and (3) access Server <br />invoices for amounts owed to Bentley. <br />Products licensed by an External User, and the total number of <br />CALs counted as used hereunder shall be the number of unique <br />(2) The license rem for a Product Subscription or Portfolio <br />Users, which number shall include External Users, recorded in <br />.Subscription shall commence upon Subscriber's receipt of <br />the usage log tiles transmitted pursuant to this Section 5M(f), <br />the License Key 'and, unless earlier terminated, shall <br />dining the term of this Agreement. The parties acknowledge <br />continue for the remaining current term of the Agreement <br />and agree that air External User may be permitted to access <br />or such shorter tam (hot less than one (1) month) as <br />Server Products Incensed by Subscriber using a CAL. owned by <br />Subscriber may elect at the time the purchase order is <br />that External User. Subscriber agrees to transmit to Bentley, <br />delivered and reflected in the License Key (the "License <br />upon Bentley's request, true end accurate copies of the usage <br />Term "). The License Term (and each successive term) <br />log . files generated by Server Products or such other Bentley <br />shall automatically renew at its expiration for a successive <br />licensing technology as may be required by Bentley from time <br />term equal to the then remaining term of the Agreement, <br />to time, and information identifying any External User that has <br />or such shorter term (not less than one month) as a <br />accessed Serve' Products licensed by Subscriber, Upon <br />Subscriber may elect at the time of such renewal, unless <br />expiration or earlier lamination ofthis Agreement, the teams of <br />either party gives notice of its election not to Penske the <br />the license agreement provided with the Client Software and the <br />License Term at least thirty (30) days prior to the <br />CAL shall thereafter govern the use of such Client Software and <br />expiration of the then current term, The License Tenn for <br />the associated CAL, and Subscriber shall no longer be entitled <br />a- particular Product Subscription or Portfolio Subscription <br />to the Client Software Benefits as set forth in this Section, <br />shall termarne upon termination of the Agreement or in <br />the event of non- renewal at the and of the then current (g) <br />SELECTserver. Subscriber may, upon Bentley's approval, and <br />License Tema as provided in the preceding sentence, <br />at no charge, receive a. Subscription License for Bentley's <br />SELECTserver Product (or such other server -basal license <br />(3) The fees in effect as of the date a Subscription License for <br />management technology that Bentley may offer). The ternns of <br />a CAL, Product Subscription or Portfolio Subscription is <br />Subscriber's use of the SELECTserver Product shall be as Set <br />initiated or rrneved hereunder shall remain In effect for <br />forth in the license agreement provided with the SELECTserver <br />such CAL, Product or Portfolio Subscription until the <br />Product,; as such terms are amended or supplemented in this <br />expiration or renewal date of the License Term for such <br />Agreement. Subscriber acknowledges that SELECTserver (or <br />CAL, Product or Portfolio Subscription. On the renewal <br />such other server -based license management technology thus <br />date, the prices in effect on such (late shall be applicable. <br />Bentley may offer) may be delivered to Subscriber with <br />embedded Time Clocks, Subscriber agrees that Time Clucks are <br />(4) During the License 'Penn, and any renewal tern, all <br />not considered it defect of the Product and releases Bentley from <br />Subscription Licenses for CALs; Product Subscriptions <br />any and all claims, however characterized, arising from or <br />and Portfolio Subscriptions shall entitle Subscriber to all <br />related to "franc Clocks or their operation. Subscriber arty not <br />SEL002520d /0005 6/11 <br />25A -8 <br />Page 4 of 12 <br />