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BENTLEY SELECT PROGRAM AGREEMENT <br />SELECT Program Benefits <br />Exhibit A <br />Dated as of Jannary 2010 <br />remove or evade Time Clocks. Subscriber agrees and <br />acknowledges that Bentley's SELECTserver will from time to <br />time transmit to Bentley the usage: log files generated by <br />SELECTserver or such other Bentley licensing technology. <br />Subscriber agrees to allow the above transmission to Bentley or <br />otherwise to transmit to Bentley into and accurate copies of <br />such usage log files. <br />6. SELECT Program Fees <br />6.01. Subscriber shall pay to Bentley the applicable SELECT Program Fee <br />in effect for each Product licensed or CAL acquired as of the <br />Effective Date of this Agreement. Subscriber shall pay to Bentley the <br />applicable SELECT Program Fee in effect for each additional Product <br />licensed. or CAL acquired during the term hereof as of the date such <br />additional Product license or CAL is purchased. With respect to the <br />Products licensed or CALs acquired by Subscriber during the term of <br />the Agreement, the fees in place as of the Effective Date, or, with <br />respect to additional Products licensed or CALs acquired, as of the <br />date of such purchase, shall remain in effect for the Subscriber until <br />the date of the next renowal of this Agreement, at which time the fees <br />shall be changer) to those charged by Bentley as of such renewal date, <br />provided that no changes in fees for Products or CALs covered shall <br />be effective until. thirty (30) days after Subscriber receives notice of <br />such changes, Subscription License fees as set forth in Section <br />5.02(e) of this Exhibit A are inclusive of SELECT Program coverage <br />and no additional fees for SELECT Program coverage shall apply for <br />Products licensed or CALs acquired under a Subscription License. <br />6.02. Bentley shall initially invoice Subscriber for one (t) year of SELECT <br />Program Fees for all Product licenses and CAU as of the Effective <br />Date of this Agreement. Bentley shall provide Subscriber with a pro- <br />rated annual invoice for all Product licenses and CAL% purchased <br />during the first year following the Efective Date of this Agreement. <br />As of the first anniversary of the Effective Date of this Agreement, <br />invoices for SELECT Program Fees for Product licenses end CALs <br />shall be issued quarterly or annually. Invoices reflecting new Product <br />licenses or CALs will include a prorated amount reflecting coverage <br />of the Product or CAL under the SELECT Program during the <br />preceding invoice period plies the full amount for the current invoice <br />period. Bentley may modify the liming of invoicing hereunder at any <br />time. <br />6.03. Calculation and payment of the SELECT Program Fee hereunder <br />shall be based on the local price and local currency of the <br />Subscriber's Site where the related Products or CAU are used. <br />5EL002520 -1 /0005 6111 <br />25A -9 <br />Pape 5 of 12 <br />