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2015 URBAN WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN <br />LRP <br />Local Resources Program <br />LTFP <br />Long -Term Facilities Plan <br />MAF <br />Million Acre -Feet <br />MARS <br />Member Agency Response System <br />MCL <br />Maximum Contaminant Level <br />MEOC <br />Metropolitan Emergency Operations Center <br />Metropolitan <br />Metropolitan Water District of Southern California <br />MF <br />Microfiltration <br />MGD <br />Million Gallons per Day <br />MHI <br />Median Household Income <br />MTBE <br />Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether <br />NDMA <br />N- nitrosodimethylamine <br />OC <br />Orange County <br />OC Basin <br />Orange County Groundwater Basin <br />OCWD <br />Orange County Water District <br />Poseidon <br />Poseidon Resources LLC <br />PPCP <br />Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Product <br />RA <br />Replenishment Assessment <br />RHNA <br />Regional Housing Needs Assessment <br />RO <br />Reverse Osmosis <br />SBx7 -7 <br />Senate Bill 7 as part of the Seventh Extraordinary Session <br />SCAB <br />South Coast Air Basin <br />SCAG <br />Southern California Association of Governments <br />SCWD <br />South Coast Water District <br />SDCWA <br />San Diego County Water Authority <br />SDP <br />Seawater Desalination Program <br />Study <br />Colorado River Basin Water Supply and Demand Study <br />SWP <br />State Water Project <br />SWRCB <br />California State Water Resources Control Board <br />TDS <br />Total Dissolved Solids <br />UARL <br />Unavoidable Annual Real Losses <br />USBR <br />United States Bureau of Reclamation <br />UV <br />Ultraviolet <br />UWMP <br />Urban Water Management Plan <br />VOC <br />Volatile Organic Compounds <br />WEROC <br />Water Emergency Response Organization of Orange County <br />WF -21 <br />Water Factory 21 <br />WOC <br />Water Operations Center <br />WSAP <br />Water Supply Allocation Plan <br />WSDM <br />Water Surplus and Drought Management <br />arcadia.corn 55b— � viii <br />