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KiIno] V 7_10RTiq_\0q aN/l► /_Cel=1JilQIli»_101 <br />MMOO WO T1411111Cs711 <br />Water Code Sections 10610 through 10656 of the Urban Water Management Planning Act (Act) require <br />every urban water supplier providing water for municipal purposes to more than 3,000 service <br />connections or supplying more than 3,000 acre -feet (AF) of water annually to prepare, adopt, and file an <br />Urban Water Management Plan (UWMP) with the California Department of Water Resources (DWR) <br />every five years in the years ending in zero and five. The 2015 UWMP updates are due to DWR by July <br />1, 2016. <br />This 2015 UWMP provides a detailed summary of present and future water resources and demands and <br />provides an assessment of the City of Santa Ana's (City) water resource needs. Specifically, the UWMP <br />provides water supply planning for a 25 -year planning period in five -year increments and identifies water <br />supplies needed to meet existing and future demands. The demand analysis must identify supply <br />reliability under three hydrologic conditions: a normal year, a single -dry year, and multiple -dry years. The <br />City's 2015 UWMP updates the 2010 UWMP in compliance with the requirements of the Act as amended <br />in 2009, and includes a discussion of: <br />• Water Service Area and Facilities <br />• Water Sources and Supplies <br />• Water Use by Customer Type <br />• Demand Management Measures <br />• Water Supply Reliability <br />• Planned Water Supply Projects and Programs <br />• Water Shortage Contingency Plan <br />• Recycled Water Use <br />Since the original Act's passage in 1983, several amendments have been added. The most recent <br />changes affecting the 2015 UWMP include Senate Bill 7 as part of the Seventh Extraordinary Session <br />(SBx7 -7) and SB 1087. SBx7 -7, or the Water Conservation Act of 2009, is part of the Delta Action Plan <br />that stemmed from the Governor's goal to achieve a 20 percent statewide reduction in urban per capita <br />water use by 2020 (20x2020). Reduction in water use is an important part of this plan that aims to <br />sustainably manage the Bay Delta and reduce conflicts between environmental conservation and water <br />supply; it is detailed in Section 3.2.2. SBx7 -7 requires each urban retail water supplier to develop urban <br />water use targets to achieve the 20x2020 goal and the interim ten percent goal by 2015. Each urban retail <br />water supplier must include in its 2015 UWMPs the following information from its target- setting process: <br />Baseline daily per capita water use <br />2020 Urban water use target <br />arcadis.coin 6% N 1 -1 <br />