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• Joese Hernandez, concerned with City Manager, supports district elections, encourages <br />ICE contract terminated, opposed to Heritage Project, supports Centro Cultural funding. <br />• Alex Vega, concerned with political dishonesty. <br />AGENDA ITEM CONSIDERED OUT OF ORDER <br />50C. ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE CITY'S PROCEDURES CONCERNING <br />IMMIGRATION STATUS AND THE ENFORCEMENT OF FEDERAL <br />IMMIGRATION LAW FOLLOWING THE DECLARATION OF THE CITY OF <br />SANTA ANA AS A SANCTUARY FOR ALL ITS RESIDENTS {STRATEGIC <br />PLAN NO. 5, 6F)- City Manager's Office <br />• Robert Oliver, spoke in support of proposed Sanctuary City Ordinance, <br />encouraged all to support immigrant families. <br />• Benjamin Vazquez, opined that life of the families and children in our <br />community will benefit from ordinance; also urged all to terminate the ICE <br />contract. <br />• Seth Davis, professor at UCI Law School, noted that under the 10th <br />Amendment the City has authority to approve ordinance and regulate safety <br />and welfare of the residents. <br />• Leah Citman, assistant professor at UCI, need to focus on constitutional law. <br />• Sameer Ashar, Clinical Professor at UCI Law, advocates for immigrant rights <br />spoke on prohibition on sharing information on immigration and citizenship <br />status; need to build and reinforce trust; federal government cannot interfere <br />with local government; strong legal footing. <br />• Jennifer Koh, law professor at Western Law School, member of Newsong <br />Church; spoke in opposition to Section 7F to allow for exception to use funds <br />for those with felony convictions — too broad; opined that it will not improve <br />trust; Civil immigration law also to be removed. <br />• Karina Gutierrez, staff attorney at Public Law Center, indicated that due <br />process rights have been violated — encouraged surplus funds have <br />universal representation for immigrants. <br />• Carlos Perea, member of immigrant rights, submitted correspondence for <br />consideration; Santa Ana to lead in efforts. <br />• Denise Hinojosa, opined that human right violated in Section 7F. <br />• Hairo Cortez, support ordinance along with recommended changes by law <br />professors; need to strengthen protections. <br />• Sandra Ortega, CLUE member, embrace sanctuary ordinance, inherent <br />worth and dignity is the responsibility of the City Council; oversight <br />commission to be composed of community members that will oversee; <br />district based elections and housing opportunity ordinance to benefit the <br />community. <br />• Alexis Nava Teodoro, acknowledged the democratic process and professors <br />who have assisted in crafting revised ordinance for consideration; opined <br />that Section 7F is prejudice; support a task force with investigative powers. <br />• Sergio Barragan, spoke in support of ordinance; suggested educating the <br />community on what Sanctuary City means. <br />CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 6 DECEMBER 20, 2016 <br />