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• Alba Piedra, suggested laws that protect our community. <br />• Mayre Tapia, member of OCCCO, urged all to support ordinance; make law <br />before President -Elect Trump takes office on January 20tn <br />• Leonel Velazquez, indicated that residents live in fear; officials need to <br />protect community. <br />• Salvador Sarmiento, supports a strong ordinance that protects residents. <br />• Gil Salmon, supports changes including removing voter registration <br />requirement to serve on a commission; allow for inclusionary policies. <br />• Alex Vega, supports ordinance. <br />• David Carbajal, spoke in support of proposed ordinance. <br />• Peter A. Katz, noted that women rights have changed this century; need to <br />continue fighting and protecting our residents. <br />• Marilynn Montano, supports ordinance that includes real protections for <br />residents. <br />• Julian Garcia, member of SEIU, indicated that union has supported many <br />candidates that have been elected, request support for contracting union <br />members. <br />• Marcella Rosas, supports rent control; address substandard housing <br />standards; opposed to Heritage Project. <br />Councilmember Benavides, thanked colleagues and speakers. Supports the <br />ordinance with revisions as presented by the residents, seconded by <br />Councilmember Tinajero. <br />Councilmember Tinajero, thanked speakers. <br />Councilmember Sarmiento, suggested removing any reference to immigration <br />status; indicated that City has Sanctuary City practices and policies in place. <br />Councilmember Villegas, supports ordinance but cautioned that may need to <br />revisit if financially impacts our community. <br />Mayor Pro Tern Martinez, asked if financial ramifications of ordinance <br />considered; may lose some funding including Community Development Block <br />Grants; supports terminating contract with ICE; asked if reuse study amount of <br />$50k is sufficient or if need to increase amount; suggested amendment to <br />motion and increase Request for Proposal amount. <br />Councilmember Tinajero supports bringing back item for reconsideration. <br />Councilmember Solorio, noted that immigrants need to be treated with dignity; <br />have supported legislation at the State level including driver license for DACA <br />students; need to make sure that Muslim community protected as well as <br />women's rights; need to stop any effort to reduce or eliminate federal funding; <br />suggested office of immigrant rights; in support of ordinance that will further <br />protect our residents. <br />CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 7 DECEMBER 20, 2016 <br />