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6. AOENCY NOTICE TO PROCHED VOR MISION AND CONSTRUCTION OP <br />PUAT,TCLY OWNED ROROVI3MtIN7.S <br />Upon the lssuarnoo of a eerlipaale of ocauponey pursuant to Iia ¢olitbrrtla)Bullding Code <br />for (1) all residential units in a inhdnunn of two of the throe high- iso lowers it tho Nexus Project, <br />and (11) all rosldonilalunits in the Ganem Commons PraJool, the Agonoy shall glvo the City a <br />notice to proceed to design and construe! the Pnblloly-OwmxPhnprovanrcwds as set forth III Bxhlbit, <br />A. If only a portion of tiro rosidentint units have been aatstmolad willdrn live (5) yours of lino date <br />of the Commonconnont Dale, (halt fine Agerey shall only give the City a nolleo to proceed with a <br />partial list of lions os sot Mill In ExIdbit C to this Agremnom, The Agoney's obligation to pay for <br />thePublialy-Owned hnproventot)1% and the City's obllgallon to eoruplato these Publicly-ChvJtcd <br />Irniprovomonts, orany pmt tinereof, shall bo timhed by lire Agency's abllily to iWtd sett work !bola <br />lire projeat-speolflo lax inormaeat gonorated'by Ilse Nexus Pgeol; provided, however, that City mad <br />Agonoy shall constntol atom no. La, on the list ofPublloly-Owned Improvements in Exhlbit A to <br />Ilds Agreamenl ragazdlass of Uw projeohapeeltto tax inoromantrocalvvd by the Agonoy. <br />7. CCN1MUNC8NMNT AND COMPL11TION OF CONSTRUCTION OP PUBLICLY <br />01VNMD R&ROVI M MS <br />a. City shall construct Ulu Publicly-Ownedhnprovomonls In omtformancowithlho <br />schedule set forth In Whit C to this Agreement and the approved ]final Plans; provided, however, <br />that dw Agonoy mid City shall bavono obligation once the cost of the PubllolpOwned <br />lmprovements oxceeds Vivo Million Dollars ($5,000,000.00), ff trio cost of IhoPublloly-Owned <br />Improvements, Including all design, adrnlnithillivo mad construollon'oosls exceed $$,000,000.00, <br />Utou the City shall consirrct only chat portion of Ilso Pablioly Ownad Enprovommtts as spool fled ill <br />Ilxldblt C ht the exomisa of lite Agonoy's solo mid alrsoluto disoroilon, <br />b. C14yshalT,atdtocanolatslonafgtoplanlaotabllshmantphasospeclltulinklxlnlbitl3, <br />additlonally rnalalsht Uro clfnsbJu$ vlaay acrd irdSolloa coustnaaled by Noxrs along tho ouleldo of <br />the block wall, referenced ln,item no. t on Lrxldblt A horelo, but Uro City's old lgallon to nlalntaln <br />Ilia olimbing Onesohall only apply to thosopmporty owners who execute a ffigade easonront with <br />Iho My In a roan approved by the City Attolnoy pormltting the City to malwaln said ailtnbIng <br />vires and ludonudfyhng Uta City rrour any liability oansM by said olimbing vinas and/or irrigation. <br />Sandpohtto shall be respow(ble for oblandng algnantroa &ons those lndlvldual homeowners, <br />it,"LGIEILITYAND INDEMNIFICATIOND(RINGCONSTRUCTION; BODILY <br />)NJURY AND PROPMRTY DAMAOE INSURANCE <br />A. Prom mrd AM Ilio Elfecllve Dale, Nexus and Oonava Cvsnunono agree to and shall <br />indonunity land hold Ageney, dity and Sandpotnty, and their rospeoltvo oflieara, direotors, agents <br />lard employees harmless gam and against all dtunapa to praporty or laJorles to at, (1041 of miy <br />person or.persons, Inotuding employees or agents of Agency or City, laid ahall defend, lndornrdty <br />EXH � fT D <br />Ordinance No, NS -2680 <br />Pago 46 of b1 <br />