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and savo Agonoy, City And Swidpohilo, and tholr officors, agents, and employees, kom any and all <br />clohns, demands, suits, actions, or proeeedirgs ofauy kind or nAturo, lttolodbrg, bol not byway of <br />limlialion, warkars' vompensation claims of or by anyone whomsoever, In anyway rosullfng from <br />the negligent or wrongAd sots ar amsssions of Nexus or Geneva Commons or their raspeetivc <br />0anployees, agents orsuboorrlractors, irur itsalfand no ollnor, Saidpohdo agrees to }laid LAmioss <br />Agony, City aril Choir rospcctivo ofYlcetsdirectors, agents and employees frau etrd against nil <br />danages to property or Igiudos to or death of any person orpersons, In any way resulting from the <br />iregllgentor wmnglbi aa[s ar onnlssiwns of Naxua or [to,navA Commons, or their respeoltvo <br />0mployeas, Agmils or suiconirnotors; This Agreomenteholl not bo httorproled or construed to <br />obllgMo Saidpolnlo, its olfluors, dlrcotore or agents, or the Neighborhood to defend, Indemnlfy or <br />to siww0r in Ary way for dee Agency due Clly or tlnelr rarpeoHvv offlcars, dlraolcrs, agents or <br />employees For aitch clolms. <br />U, prior to Iho commencomenl ofconstmollon, Nous dr any otherpartyworking <br />Albin the real property of alto Cly orAgonoy, still)[ obtain At lie sale 0081 and filo Willi Cho City and <br />Agouo% and malalaln for lho poriod covored by Ods Agreement, a policy or poliviw of liability <br />1nlanraie0 or a caNfficnto Of 811011 lualrrnnco, conalslonl with this Agrcomaup naming Agcnoy, tits <br />City and Sanipoint% their officers, direowns, agents, and omployaas, as insured or additional <br />Insured, which provides coverage not loss than that provided in tiro toms of a eomprohensive <br />gonoral liabfllty fnrsut'atao policy aga6}sl liability for any and nil olahus and sulk ibr drunagas or <br />Injuries to porsons or proporty rosutling from or arising out of operations of Nexus, Its officers, <br />dircciora, 8901117, oromploycos, Said Polley orpollofos ofiusnanao shall provfdo covarago for both <br />bodily Injury raid propotty danage In 11011038llinn 0110M Illon Dollars ($1,000,000) combined <br />single, limit, oritscguivolenr, Sold polioyorpoliolosshall Also conlAinaProvision that no <br />torminallon,caroolladon, orahaige ofeovamgo oflnsured shall bo oMotivo tmlll hiller thirty (30) <br />days notice thoreofhns been given lu whiling to City And Agency. Noxus shall give to Agency and <br />City prompt and lately notice, of claim mado or snit Instltrded adstng oat of Noxus operations <br />heronador. Noxus may proeuro mid mahriniu, at IIs own cost mid expense, any Adii(liomd kinds aid <br />Mrouuls of insumneo, wldoh In its own,ludgniont may be necessary for its proper protection hs filo <br />proswndivnofOle work, All hummuopolloles$hallbewdttenbyresponsible mid solvent <br />Insurmice companies and shall Include. mi additional insured w0ureoment hi sobetmdtAlly the form <br />of Exhibit D, Attached hereto mrd Incorporated horahn by this refcronce <br />9. CaMPI-TANCDVATklCOVi3RNMI]INPAl,R}1QUIR M13NTS. <br />Nous shall carry out the daslgrr,.canstnration, and oporallon Mile Noxus Lnprovonnants in <br />atbMatliAl e0orormtly Willi all opplIonblo laws, ordtnanoes, stabiles, codes, Dries, regulations, <br />orders, and door", of ilio United Slates, ilio Stato of Califbrilis, lie County of oraigo, tine City, or <br />any othor polifioah subdivision in whlch the Property Is located, and of aiy'otherpoll Neal <br />subdivision, agency, or fnslnnmamaliyoxerclsing jurlsdictlat over Iho City orNoxu% Inaluding all <br />applloabte fidamt, atnro, mW 10041 000upa8on, gnt'otyand health laws, ales, rogulAdars And <br />stnndords, applloAlle slate and labor slmndmda, appliaablo pinvalling wage requiromonts, the City <br />waning and development standards, City pemrila and approvals, building, plumbing, mechanical <br />EXHIBIT D <br />Qrdlnando No. N6.2000 7 <br />PACO 410 of 6i <br />