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11. Performance Standards: CONTRACTOR shall comply with and adhere to the <br />performance accountability standards and general program requirements described in <br />Sections 116 (Performance Accountability System) and 194 (General Program <br />Requirements) of the Act and applicable regulations and as contained in Attachment D, <br />Performance Standards. Should the Performance Requirements defined in the <br />CONTRACT between the State of California and the County of Orange be changed, <br />COUNTY shall have the right to unilaterally modify this CONTRACT to meet such <br />requirements. <br />12. Satisfactory Work: Services rendered hereunder are to be performed to the written <br />satisfaction of COUNTY'S PROJECT MANAGER. COUNTY'S staff will interpret all <br />reports and determine the quality, acceptability and progress of the services rendered. <br />13. Modification of Program Components and Service Levels <br />The PARTIES hereto agree that those program components and service levels detailed <br />in Attachments A, B, C and D may be modified upon mutual written agreement of the <br />DIRECTOR and CONTRACTOR so long as the total payments under this CONTRACT <br />are not increased and the basic goals and objectives of the program are not altered. <br />Should the Federal Government and/or the State of California modify any program <br />component and/or service level detailed in Attachments A, B. C and/or D then the <br />COUNTY shall have the right to unilaterally modify this CONTRACT to meet such <br />requirements. <br />A. CONTRACT MANAGER may at any time, by written change order to <br />CONTRACTOR, make changes within the general scope of this CONTRACT, <br />including, in the definition of services and tasks to be performed, the manner in <br />which services are performed, the time and place of performance thereof and <br />additional related provisions, and CONTRACT term. Such change orders may be <br />made when necessitated by changes in the WIOA Workforce Services operations <br />or performance, the operations or performance of CONTRACTOR, or changes in <br />applicable statutes, regulations or State of California or federal mandates or <br />directives. CONTRACTOR and CONTRACT MANAGER shall make a good faith <br />effort to reach agreement with respect to change orders, which affect the price of <br />services under the CONTRACT. CONTRACTOR's protest or failure to agree to <br />the amount of any adjustment to be made as a result of a change order shall be a <br />dispute for which an appeal may be made pursuant to this CONTRACT. <br />Notwithstanding the foregoing, the price of services under this CONTRACT shall <br />not be increased except by written modification of this CONTRACT indicating the <br />new services and price of this CONTRACT if applicable. Until the PARTIES reach <br />agreement, CONTRACTOR shall not be obligated to he <br />increased <br />performance under the change order beyond the limitation of funds established <br />within this CONTRACT. <br />B. CONTRACTOR may request changes in the scope of performance or services <br />under this CONTRACT, by submitting a written request to PROJECT MANAGER <br />describing the request and its impact on the Scope of Services and Budget <br />Schedule. PROJECT MANAGER will review the request and respond in writing <br />within ten (10) business days. PROJECT MANAGER's decision whether to <br />approve the request or request Board of Supervisors' approval shall be final. <br />COUNTY CONTRACT MANAGER may approve a request that meets all of the <br />following criteria: <br />It does not materially change the terms of this CONTRACT; and <br />County of Orange Page 10 of 37 City of Santa Ana <br />OC Community Resources Contract FYs 2016-18 RIMS Professional -Mi Contract # 16-28-0039-RWS <br />