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\ J I <br />ii. It is supported by adequate consideration to COUNTY. Board of <br />Supervisors' action is necessary to approve a request from CONTRACTOR <br />that does not satisfy all of the criteria listed above. <br />14. Access and Records: <br />A. Access. COUNTY, the State of California and the United States Government <br />and/or their representatives, shall have access, for purposes of monitoring, <br />auditing, and examining, to CONTRACTOR's activities, books, documents and <br />papers (including computer records and emails) and to records of <br />CONTRACTOR's subcontractors, consultants, contracted employees, <br />bookkeepers, accountants, employees and participants related to this <br />CONTRACT. CONTRACTOR shall insert this condition in each contract between <br />CONTRACTOR and a subcontractor that is pursuant to this CONTRACT shall <br />require the subcontractor to agree to this condition. Such agencies or <br />representatives shall have the right to make excerpts, transcripts and photocopies <br />of such records and to schedule on site monitoring at their discretion. Monitoring <br />activities also may include, but are not limited to, questioning employees and <br />participants and entering any premises or onto any site in which any of the services <br />or activities funded hereunder are conducted or in which any of the records of <br />CONTRACTOR are kept. CONTRACTOR shall make available its books, <br />documents, papers, financial records, etc., within three (3) days after receipt of <br />written demand by DIRECTOR which shall be deemed received upon date of <br />sending. In the event CONTRACTOR does not make the above referenced <br />documents available within the County of Orange, California, CONTRACTOR <br />agrees to pay all necessary and reasonable expenses incurred by COUNTY, or <br />COUNTY'S designee, in conducting any audit at the location where said records <br />and books of account are maintained. <br />B. Records Retention. All accounting records and evidence pertaining to all costs of <br />CONTRACTOR and all documents related to this CONTRACT shall be kept <br />available at CONTRACTOR'S office or place of business for the duration of this <br />CONTRACT and thereafter, as specified in 2 CFR 200.333-337. Records which <br />relate to: (1) complaints, claims, administrative proceedings or litigation arising <br />out of the performance of this CONTRACT; or (2) costs and expenses of this <br />CONTRACT to which COUNTY or any other governmental agency takes <br />exception, shall be retained until final resolution or disposition of such appeals, <br />litigation, claims, or exceptions. <br />C. Liabili . CONTRACTOR shall pay to COUNTY the full amount of COUNTY'S <br />liability to the State or federal government or any agency thereof resulting from any <br />disallowance or other audit exceptions to the extent that such liability is attributable <br />to CONTRACTOR'S failure to perform under this CONTRACT. <br />15. Breach of Contract: The failure of the CONTRACTOR to comply with any of the <br />provisions, covenants or conditions of this CONTRACT shall be a material breach of this <br />CONTRACT. In such event the COUNTY may, and In addition to any other remedies <br />available at law, in equity, or otherwise specified in this CONTRACT: <br />A. Terminate the CONTRACT immediately, pursuant to Paragraph K herein; <br />B. Afford the CONTRACTOR written notice of the breach and ten calendar days or <br />such shorter time that may be specified in this CONTRACT within which to cure <br />the breach; <br />County of Orange Page 11 of 37 City of Santa Ana <br />OC Community Resources Contract FYs 2016-18 RWS Professional -MI Contract # 16-28-0039-RWS <br />