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CONTRACTOR'S PROJECT MANAGER and key personnel. Said approval shall not be <br />unreasonably withheld. <br />22. County of Orange Child Support Enforcement: In order to comply with the child <br />support enforcement requirements of the County of Orange, within ten (10) days of <br />notification of selection of award of CONTRACT but prior to official award of.CONTRACT, <br />the selected CONTRACTOR agrees to furnish to the CONTRACT MANAGER, the <br />Purchasing Agent, or the agency/department deputy purchasing agent: <br />A. In the case of an individual CONTRACTOR, his/her name, date of birth, Social <br />Security number, and residence address; <br />B. In the case of a CONTRACTOR doing business in a form other than as an <br />individual, the name, date of birth, Social Security number, and residence address <br />of each individual who owns an interest of ten (10) percent or more in the <br />contracting entity; <br />C. A certification that the CONTRACTOR has fully complied with all applicable federal <br />and state reporting requirements regarding its employees; and <br />D. A certification that the CONTRACTOR has fully complied with all lawfully served <br />Wage and Earnings Assignment Orders and Notices of Assignment and will <br />continue to so comply. <br />Failure of the CONTRACTOR to timely submit the data and/or certifications required may <br />result in the CONTRACT being awarded to another CONTRACTOR. In the event a <br />CONTRACT has been issued, failure of the CONTRACTOR to comply with all federal, <br />state, and local reporting requirements for child support enforcement or to comply with all <br />lawfully served Wage and Eamings Assignment Orders and Notices of Assignment shall <br />constitute a material breach of the CONTRACT. Failure to cure such breach within sixty <br />(60) calendar days of notice from the COUNTY shall constitute grounds for termination of <br />the CONTRACT. <br />23. Data—Title To: All materials, documents, data or information obtained from the COUNTY <br />data files or any COUNTY medium furnished to the CONTRACTOR in the performance of <br />this CONTRACT will at all times remain the property of the COUNTY. Such data or <br />information may not be used or copied for direct or indirect use by the CONTRACTOR <br />after completion or termination of this CONTRACT without the express written consent of <br />the COUNTY. All materials, documents, data or information, including copies, must be <br />retumed to the COUNTY at the end of this CONTRACT (or final renewal), as applicable. <br />24. Intellectual Property: <br />A. Federal Funding. In any CONTRACT funded in whole or in part by the federal <br />government, COUNTY may acquire and maintain the Intellectual Property rights, <br />title, and ownership, which result directly or indirectly from the CONTRACT, except <br />as provided in 37 Code of Federal Regulations Part 401.14. CONTRACTOR <br />agrees to grant the COUNTY, federal and state governments a royalty -free, non- <br />exclusive, irrevocable, paid-up license throughout the world to use, duplicate, or <br />dispose of such Intellectual Property throughout the world in any manner for <br />governmental purposes and to have and permit others to do so. <br />B. Ownership. <br />L Except where COUNTY has agreed in a signed writing to accept a license, <br />COUNTY shall be and remain, without additional compensation, the sole <br />owner of any and all rights, title and interest in all intellectual property, from <br />the moment of creation, whether or not jointly conceived, that are made, <br />County of Orange Page 13 of 37 City of Santa Ana <br />OC Community Resources Contract FYs 2016-18 R WS Professional -MI Contract # 16-28-0039-RWS <br />