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C. Discontinue payment to the CONTRACTOR for and during the period in which the <br />CONTRACTOR is in breach; and <br />D. Offset against any monies billed by the CONTRACTOR but yet unpaid by the <br />COUNTY those monies disallowed pursuant to the above. <br />16. Conditions Affecting Work: CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for taking all steps <br />reasonably necessary, to ascertain the nature and location of the work to be performed <br />under this CONTRACT; and to know the general conditions which can affect the work or <br />the cost thereof. Any failure by the CONTRACTOR to do so will not relieve <br />CONTRACTOR from responsibility for successfully performing the work without additional <br />cost to the COUNTY. The COUNTY assumes no responsibility for any understanding or <br />representations concerning the nature, location(s) or general conditions made by any of <br />its officers or agents prior to the execution of this CONTRACT, unless such understanding <br />or representations by the COUNTY are expressly stated in the CONTRACT. <br />17. Conflict of Interest—CONTRACTOR'S Personnel: The CONTRACTOR shall exercise <br />reasonable care and diligence to prevent any actions or conditions that could result in a <br />conflict with the best interests of the COUNTY. This obligation shall apply to the <br />CONTRACTOR; the CONTRACTOR's employees, agents, and relatives; sub -tier <br />contractors; and third parties associated with accomplishing work and services hereunder. <br />The CONTRACTOR's efforts shall include, but not be limited to establishing precautions <br />to prevent its employees or agents from making, receiving, providing or offering gifts, <br />entertainment, payments, loans or other considerations which could be deemed to appear <br />to influence individuals to act contrary to the best interests of the COUNTY. <br />18. Conflict of Interest — COUNTY Personnel: The County of Orange Board of Supervisors <br />policy prohibits its employees from engaging in activities involving a conflict of interest. <br />The CONTRACTOR shall not, during the period of this CONTRACT, employ any COUNTY <br />employee for any purpose. <br />19. Consulting Contract—Follow-On Work: No person or firm or subsidiary thereof who has <br />been awarded a consulting services contract or a contract which includes a consulting <br />component may be awarded a contract for the provision of services, the delivery of goods <br />or supplies, or the provision of any other related action which is required, suggested, or <br />otherwise deemed appropriate as an end product of the consulting services contract. <br />Therefore, any consultant that contracts with a COUNTY agency/department to develop <br />a feasibility study or to provide formal recommendations is precluded from contracting for <br />any work recommended in the study or included in the recommendations. <br />20. CONTRACTOR Personnel: The CONTRACTOR warrants that all persons employed to <br />provide service under this CONTRACT have satisfactory past work records indicating their <br />ability to accept the kind of responsibility anticipated under this CONTRACT. <br />21. CONTRACTOR'S PROJECT MANAGER and Key Personnel: CONTRACTOR shall <br />appoint a 'CONTRACTOR'S PROJECT MANAGER' to direct the CONTRACTOR's efforts <br />in fulfilling CONTRACTOR'S obligations under this CONTRACT. The name of the <br />CONTRACTOR'S PROJECT MANAGER shall be provided to the COUNTY. If there be a <br />CONTRACTOR'S PROJECT MANAGEMENT change the CONTRACTOR will notify the <br />COUNTY in writing prior to the change being made. <br />The COUNTY'S PROJECT MANAGER shall have the right to require the removal and <br />replacement of the CONTRACTOR'S PROJECT MANAGER and key personnel. The <br />COUNTY'S PROJECT MANAGER shall notify the CONTRACTOR in writing of such <br />action. The CONTRACTOR shall accomplish the removal within 14 calendar days after <br />written notice by the COUNTY'S PROJECT MANAGER. The COUNTY'S PROJECT <br />MANAGER shall review and approve the appointment of the replacement for the <br />County of Orange Page 12 of 37 City of Santa Ana <br />OC Community Resources Contract FVs 2016-18 RWS Professional -MI Contract # 16-28-0039-RWS <br />