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PWA <br />Improvements <br />$312,400 <br />Finalizing purchases: Developing Mobility Guidelines, policies and forms. <br />Completed <br />11/1/2015 <br />IT Equipment Upgrades- <br />Developed inventory mobility Inventory management system. In process of <br />IT <br />Computers /laptops, mobile <br />$273,600 <br />standardizing PC hardware to develop specifications, Identifying equipment <br />On Track <br />3/31/2017 <br />technology, phones <br />d spedflcatlonsofecanners. Developing requirements and criteria for PC <br />Service Desk platform tool for Improved support and management ofall IT <br />equipment assets <br />PWA <br />G15 System Development <br />$125,000 <br />Staff released an RFP for technical consultants and studies as par of the General <br />Rescheduled <br />late March 201] <br />Plan update, RFP approved by City Coundl In December 2016. RFp consultant <br />seclusion and Interviews In progress. General Plan Advisory Group(GPAG) <br />PEA <br />General Plan <br />$1,000,000 <br />contact established and first GPAG kickoff meeting held Cllyoffecta Ana <br />On Track <br />7/1/2018 <br />warded the STAG Sentalnablllty Land Use Envisioning Grant and will affect timing <br />of RFP /Interview process. Future ll will require SCAG coordlnatlnon. iodate, <br />there has been $110,250 In total expenditures. <br />Staff is working with two consulting firms to prepare respective technical studies <br />for traffic and for air quality /greanhouse gas emissions. A third consulting firm .III <br />providea parking study, the agreement Is In the final stages of being signed. The <br />technical studies will assist with preparation of the required environmental <br />PEA <br />Metro East Expansion <br />$100,000 <br />document for extending the Metro East overlay district along First Street toward <br />On Track <br />10/112017 <br />Grand Avenue to facilitate construction of additional housing and mixed -use <br />development projects. To date, there have been expenditures from the <br />$ 100,000 allocation as staff time is being billed to air quality funds In a exparately. <br />approved account. <br />An RFP was Issued and the evaluatlon has been completed. PD staff Is <br />PD <br />Bad Cameras <br />Y <br />$330,000 <br />cu frankly finalizing the agreementecope. PD staff anticipates brining the <br />On -Tack <br />6/30/201] <br />agreementto Council In Mamhor AprI12017, with Implementation <br />commencing after execution ofthe agreement. <br />The transfer of funds to IPA was completed In 15/16. Recaulkingofthe <br />Plaza of the Flags and Plaza ofthe Fountains has been completed. Design <br />PRLSA <br />CIVIC CenterJPA - perceptions <br />$419,000 <br />work of the Superblock Llfl Stations and ADA Access Renovations are with <br />On Track <br />6/30/2018 <br />PWA. Funding will be carried over from 16 /17 to 17/18 to complete the <br />Projects. <br />Contract was awarded forthe purchase and Installation ofthe equipment <br />PRLSA <br />Sualago Playground Equipment <br />$230,000 <br />on August 16, 2016. Equipment as been ordered and Installation is <br />On Track <br />3/0/201] <br />scheduled for February 3, 2017 and expected to be completed by March 8, <br />01]. <br />An RFP was Issued to find a contractor to Complete the renovations. The <br />PRLSA <br />Angel Reatmore Renovations <br />$50,000 <br />contract is scheduled to be awarded on February ], 2017 and completed by <br />On Track <br />6/30/2017 <br />5u he 30 2017 <br />In Progress <br />PWA <br />3ALTO Deferred Maintenance - hVAC <br />$650,000 <br />This project was held perthe City Manager's Office. Updake:Thae funds <br />Meeting with City <br />Replacement <br />have been repumeedto deferred maintenance: Currently defining scope <br />Manager schedu led for <br />TBD <br />oftlre project <br />2/3/17 <br />PWA <br />Security I hting at Various Parks <br />$540,000 <br />Council Awe rd scheduled for 9 1 <br />On Track <br />4 /1 /2D17 <br />PWA <br />I DYSC Field 02Synthetic Turf <br />$640,000 <br />Project completed. <br />I Completed <br />8/31/2016 <br />Santiago Bike Trail <br />PWA <br />Santago BikeTrail Resurfacing <br />Project/Bomo goal Sidewalk /Walkway$220,000 <br />Santiago Bike IIa ll Resurfacing is currently being adve rtlsedBomo Koral <br />On -Track <br />-2/28/201] <br />BomaKOral- <br />Renovatlon <br />Santiag/Walkay Renovation la onschedule <br />Second Ought <br />PWA <br />Improvements <br />$312,400 <br />Project Completed. <br />Completed <br />11/1/2015 <br />Project camblead with GIS System Development Needs assessment <br />PWA <br />Asset Ma nagement <br />$300,000 <br />document complete, System Design beau donation in final review stage. <br />Rescheduled <br />Late March 201] <br />Due to the cage In vendor project management staffing the project has been <br />slightly delayed, <br />Project combined with Asset Management system development Needs <br />PWA <br />G15 System Development <br />$125,000 <br />assessment document complete, System Design documentation in final <br />Rescheduled <br />late March 201] <br />reviewstage. Due to change In vendor project management staffing the <br />project has been slightly delayed. <br />PWA <br />Calls Craft. <br />street signs and Plaza Celle Customs 51 nag¢ <br />$25,000 <br />Project completed. <br />Completed <br />2/1/2017 <br />EXHIBIT 1 <br />19H -4 <br />