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5. Commitment to Partnership. Demonstrate the commitment of each project partner to work <br />together to achieve stated project goals. <br />The partners agree to collaborate to develop and promote policies that enhance best practices for <br />responding to the crimes of domestic violence, The partners further agree to collaborate and <br />strengthen legal advocacy service programs and other victim services for victims of domestic <br />violence, including strengthening assistance to viotims in immigration matters. Compensation for <br />non -lead partners' contribution to this project will be provided as outlined in the attached OVW <br />budget detail worksheet. <br />The roles and responsibilities described above are contingent on Human Options, Inc. receiving <br />funds requested for the project described in the OVW grant application. <br />6. Approval and Representatives. Indicate the approval of the proposed project budget by <br />all signing parties. Identify the representatives of the planning and development team <br />who will be responsible for developing and implementing project activities and describe <br />how they will work together and with project staff. <br />For the purpose of this project, there are two program goals (1) Strengthen legal advocacy <br />service programs and other victim services for victims of domestic violence, and (2) Develop <br />and promote state, local, or tribal legislation and policies that enhance best practices for <br />responding to the crimes of domestic violence, dating violence, and elder abuse. Judith Rose, <br />Director of the Center for Children and Families at Human Options will provide grant <br />oversight and prograrn irnplementation. David GUlanders, Director of Residential Programs <br />at Human Options and Sara Behmerwohld, Legal Advocacy Supervisor for Human <br />Options will lead the program and planning of program goal #1. Jessica Reynaga, Community <br />Education Manager for Human Options will lead program goal #2. <br />Term of MOU <br />The tern of the Memorandum of Understanding would coincide with the grant period, <br />anticipated to be 10/01/2016 through 09/30/2019 or until the end of the grant period as specified <br />in the grant award. <br />Termination <br />This Agreement can be terminated without cause by any party with thirty days written notice to <br />the parties. Any unused funds would be returned to the lead agency. In the event that, the lead <br />agency Human Options is not awarded the Grant, then the MOU is terminated. <br />Hold Harmless <br />The partners shall indemnify, defend, and hold harrnless each other, their respective officers, <br />agents, and employees fi-om any expense, liability, or claim for death, injury, loss, damage or <br />expense to person or property that may arise or is claimed to have arisen pursuant to this MOU to <br />Memorandum of Understanding Page 6 <br />20A -8 <br />