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EXHIBIT A. <br />Platform Services avid Reports <br />it'1 f�)1,'Itt SeYVICCS :111(1 �,(:�fiS_ <br />A. 'Ilia Platform provides the following services: <br />1. Benefit administration functionality including the ability to manage eligibility <br />rules for various classes of employees /dependents; <br />2. Online enrollment functions enabling employee self - service or Client enrollment <br />on the Client's employees' behalf; <br />3. Benefits billing and eligibility functions including the abilityto create and <br />transmit carrier - billing reports; <br />4, The ability to communicate general health and welfare information and for the <br />Client to upload documents and web links germane to the Client; <br />5. Other useful content as Keenan deems appropriate, <br />B� With respect to the Platform, Keenan will: <br />1, Maintain the Platform and keep its contents updated and current; <br />2. Provide technical support to the Client; <br />3. Provide training on the Platform to the Client's Hunlrm Resources users and for <br />employee trainers; <br />4. Provide implementation support including the loading of the plan designs, the <br />efigibilityrules, Client census files, initial user data and other data required to <br />enable the Platform; <br />5. Provide annual updates to plan designs and related eligibilityrules stored in the <br />Platform; <br />G. tdentifyernployees, dependents, and retirees who are enrolled in plans for which <br />they are defined as ineligible; <br />7. Set up data transfers with the Client's carriers; <br />S. Ensure that standard reports are available for the Client's census, carrier bills and <br />related benefits. <br />C. With respect to the Platform, the Client will: <br />1. Maintain user passwords and accounts for any employees given access; <br />2. Provide initial census data files; <br />3. Work with Keenan to acquire carrier membership files; <br />4. Work with Keenan to fully define eligibility r-liles. <br />Keenan &4lssociates - License H 0451271 <br />6enefi(Blidge Services AgreemenrNo DAV <br />Cunfidentinl Pm Cbenc Use Only <br />($rv, 02/14/17) Page 9 of to <br />25D -13 <br />