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EXH M B <br />Enhanced Services Option <br />Definitions <br />a. Futuris Qatve An Enhancement that will allow retirees and plan participants <br />approaching retirement age to access options for Medicare supplement insurance <br />products. This Enhancement is available onlyto those Clients who have executed a <br />Supplement Services Addendum for Retiree Medical Services. <br />b. Voluntary Benefits, An Enhancement that will allow employees to access, apply for, <br />and purchase, on an individual basis, certain elective benefits that are not included in <br />Client's benefit plans. Depending upon carrier practices Client may be required to <br />collect premiums (e.g., payroll deduction) and submit to carriers. <br />c. Age Out Options, An Enhancement that permits Keenan to use data from Benefit <br />Bridge to identify dependants approaching 26 and alert them that they will no longer <br />be eligible on their parents' plan and provides options for them to explore and/or <br />Purchase individual coverage, <br />2. Client hereby authorizes Keenan to install all Enhancements on its BenefitBridge Platform <br />EXCEPT' the following (check anyEnhancements that you do NOT want); <br />a. Futuris Care <br />b. Voluntary Benefits <br />c, Age Out Options <br />3. Data stored on BenefitBridge may be transmitted electronically to carriers and other <br />Vendors ( "Vendors ") to facilitate the application for and /or enrollment in products and <br />programs offered through the Enhancements. No Data will be transmitted unless an <br />individual has, through the use of an Enhancement, elected to purchase or participate in the <br />Vendor's product or program. <br />4. The Enhancements will be installed without charge to Client. It is understood and agreed <br />that Keenan may be compensated by the Vendors it exchange for facilitating the <br />application /enrollment process by transmitting the data electronically from BenefitBridge, <br />and that Keenan may receive a commission from one or more Vendors as a result of the sale <br />of their products orprogralns to an individual employee. <br />Keenan & Associate, — License H 0451271 <br />BeneficUdge Services Agreement -No DA4 <br />Confidential Cos Client Use Only <br />(Rev, 021 14/ 17) Page 10 of 10 <br />25D -14 <br />