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(b) Neither Sponsor nor Covered Entity shall request Business Associate to use or disclose PI-II <br />in any rnanner that would not be permitted or required bylaw if done by Covered Entity, <br />(c) Covered Entity shat! notify Business Associate in writing of any restriction to the use or <br />disclosure of PIII that Covered Entityhas agreed to in accordance with 45 CFR § 164.522. <br />MEMNIPI .ATI N <br />(ai) Business Associate agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the Covered Entity, its <br />trustees, officers, directors, employees, agents, or representatives, from anyclaim or penaltyarising out of any <br />improper use and /or disclosure of PHI in violation of the Privacy Regulation, to the extent that such improper <br />use and /or disclosure resulted from Business Associate's negligence or failure to comply with the terms of <br />this Agreement or the Privacy Regulation. <br />(b) The Sponsor and Covered Entity agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Business <br />Associate and /or all of Business Associate's officers, directors, employees, agents, or representatives, from <br />any claim or penalty from any improper use anti /or disclosure of PHI, to the extent that such improper use <br />and /or disclosure resulted from the Sponsor's or Covered E atity's negligence, failure to comply with the <br />terms of this Agreement or the Privacy Regulation, or was based upon the Sponsor's or Covered Entity's <br />written direction to use and /or disclose PIT in the manner challenged. <br />SECURITY <br />Business Associate agrees to: <br />a) Implement safeguards that reasonably and appropriately protect the confidentiality; <br />integrity, and availability of the electronic PI -II that it creates, receives, maintains, or transmits on behalf of <br />the Cknvered Entity; <br />ii) Ensure that any Subcontractor, to whom it provides this information agrees to <br />implement reasonable and appropriate safeguards; <br />iu) Report on a quarterly basis to the Covered Entity, in writing, any Security Incident <br />involving Covered Entitys data. If, however, a Security Incident results in the unauthorized disclosure of <br />Unsecured PHI, Business Associate shall notify Covered Entity in accordance with the Breach notification <br />provisions below. <br />iv) Notify Covered Entity no later than ten (10) days after discovery of a Breach of <br />Unsecured PE-U <br />v) Performthe four factor riskassessuient of anyBreaeh that is discovered in accordance <br />with the I-IIPAA Rules to deten- nine if notification is required, and advise Covered Entity of its findings. <br />Covered Entity has 60 clays from the discovery date of a reportnbte Breach to report said <br />Breach to the Individual and I-IHS (if Breach involves 500 or more Individuals.) <br />Kcennn & As.aciatrs - License HO,151271 <br />[Business Associate Commut (SnatterJay) <br />(Rev. (17/29/ 17) <br />page 5 of 3 <br />f1 \if;ti <br />25D -19 <br />