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Computer Violation means the unauthorized entry into, or transmission of corrupting or harmful software <br />code into the Insured's Computer System which is directed against an Insured. <br />Cryptocurrency means a digital or electronic medium of exchange, operating independently of a central <br />bank, in which encryption techniques are used to regulate the generation of units and to verify the transfer of <br />such units. <br />Discovery or Discovered means knowledge acquired by a Control Group Member of an Insured <br />which would cause a reasonable person to believe a covered loss has occurred or an occurrence has arisen that <br />may subsequently result in a covered loss. This includes loss: <br />1. sustained prior to the inception date of any coverage under this endorsement; <br />which does not exceed the Retention set forth in in Item 4. of the Declarations; or <br />3. the exact amount or details of which are unknown. <br />Employee means any natural person in the regular service of an Insured in the ordinary course of such <br />Insured's business, whom such Insured governs and directs in the performance of such service, including a <br />part-time, seasonal, leased and temporary employee, intern or volunteer. Any natural person that otherwise <br />meets the foregoing definition shall be considered an Employee even if such person's title is that of partner, <br />principal, director, officer, or if such person is a Control Group Member. <br />Funds Transfer Fraud means fraudulent electronic, telegraphic, cable, teletype, facsimile, telephone or <br />written instructions (other than forgery), purportedly issued by an Insured, and issued to a financial <br />institution directing such institution to transfer, pay or deliver Money or Securities from any account <br />maintained by such Insured at such institution, without such Insured's knowledge or consent. <br />Money means currency, coin, bank notes and bullion. However, Money does not mean Securities <br />or any Cryptocurrency. <br />Official Authorization means a valid signature of an actual Employee or an electronic record of entry <br />and approval into a wire transfer system, accounting system, or similar system which is capable of <br />maintaining and reproducing an audit trail which demonstrates that an actual Employee approved a <br />transaction within their authority. A forgery is not an Official Authorization. Official Authorization <br />shall not include a typed name in any form (including but not limited to email, letterhead or pre-printed <br />material), but shall include electronic reproductions of hand-written signatures in any form. <br />Property means any tangible property other than Money and Securities. Property does not include <br />Digital Data. <br />Securities means negotiable and nonnegotiable instruments or contracts representing either Money or <br />property including revenue and other stamps (whether represented by actual stamps or unused value in a <br />meter) in current use, casino chips, tokens and tickets, provided that Securities does not include Money or <br />any Cryptocurrency. <br />Social Engineering Fraud means the intentional misleading of an Employee, through misrepresentation <br />of a material fact which is relied upon by an Employee, believing it be genuine which results in the <br />transferring, payment or delivery of Money or Securities. <br />Vendor means any entity or natural person that has provided goods or services to an Insured under a <br />legitimate pre-existing arrangement or written agreement. However, Vendor does not include any financial <br />institution, asset manager, broker -dealer, armored motor vehicle Insurer, or any similar entity. <br />4. The definition of Insured set forth in Section II, DEFINITIONS, is deleted and replac Rifil Muagmati Dhisim <br />FhmEwm & AWROVED BY: <br />Insured means the Named Insured and its Subsidiaries. 7 <br />PF-48257 (o9/18) Rik K.—g—EC1ei-[Aide <br />