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5. Section III, EXCLUSIONS, is deleted and replaced with the following: <br />A. No coverage will be available for: <br />i. loss due to kidnap, ransom or any other extortion payment surrendered to any person as a result of a <br />threat to do bodily harm to any person or a threat to do damage to any property; <br />2. loss involving: <br />a. the disclosure of an Insured's or another entity or person's confidential or <br />personal information while in the care, custody or control of an Insured, including but not <br />limited to patents, trade secrets, processing methods, customer lists, financial information, <br />credit card information, health information or any similar type of non-public information; <br />b. loss involving the use of another entity or person's confidential or personal information while <br />in the care, custody or control of an Insured, including but not limited to patents, trade <br />secrets, processing methods, customer lists, financial information, credit card information, <br />health information or any similar type of non-public information; or <br />c. fees, costs, fines, penalties or any other expenses incurred by an Insured which result, <br />directly or indirectly, from the access to or disclosure of another entity or person's <br />confidential or personal information, including but not limited to patents, trade secrets, <br />processing methods, customer lists, financial information, credit card information, health <br />information or any similar type of nonpublic information, <br />provided that this Exclusion 2. a. and b. shall not apply to loss that is otherwise covered under any <br />Cyber Crime Insuring Agreement; <br />3. loss or damage due to declared or undeclared war, civil war, insurrection, rebellion, revolution, <br />military, naval or usurped power, governmental intervention, expropriation or nationalization, or any <br />act or condition incident to any of the foregoing; <br />4. loss or damage due to nuclear reaction, nuclear radiation or radioactive contamination, or any act or <br />condition incident to any of the foregoing; <br />5. loss of income not realized as the result of a covered loss; <br />6. indirect or consequential loss of any kind; <br />7. fees, costs or expenses incurred or paid in defending or prosecuting any legal proceeding or claim; <br />8. loss sustained by one Insured to the advantage of any other Insured; <br />9. loss or damage due to Computer Fraud or Funds Transfer Fraud or other fraudulent, dishonest <br />or criminal act committed by any authorized representative of an Insured, whether acting alone or in <br />collusion with others. <br />B. With respect to the Funds Transfer Fraud and Computer Fraud Insuring Agreements, no coverage will be <br />available for loss resulting from any transfer, payment or delivery of Money, Securities or Property <br />approved by an Employee, or arising out of any misrepresentation received by any Employee, agent, <br />independent contractor or other representative of the Insured, whether such transfer, payment or delivery was <br />made in good faith or as a result of trick, artifice, fraud or false pretenses. <br />C. With respect to the Social Engineering Fraud Insuring Agreement, the Insurer shall not be liable for: <br />1. loss or damage to Money or Securities as a result of Computer Fraud or Funds Transfer <br />Fraud; <br />2. loss due to any investment in Securities, or ownership in any corporation, partnership, real <br />property, or similar instrument, whether or not such investment is genuine; <br />Rifil Mudgme,i Dmsbm <br />3. loss due to the failure of any party to perform, in whole or in part, under any coi'" APPROVED B ' <br />Al _ 761Z� PC£Ww, <br />PF-48257 (09/18) Risk Ma—ge tClei-[Aide <br />