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City of Santa Ana Public <br />Public Works Agency <br />PROPOSAL - RFP 17-002 <br />DIGITAL MAP Geographic Information Systems Services and Data <br />® <br />PRODUCTS <br />PROPOSAL OPTION 2: Digital Aerial Orthophotography <br />Project Scope <br />The City of Santa Ana seeks to acquire 7.5 cm (3") pixel resolution color digital Orthophotography. The <br />Orthophotography will be captured with a large format calibrated digital aerial mapping camera. It will be <br />ortho-rectified using an accurate DTM created from the digital Imagery (accuracy and additional specs <br />below). The project limits will be based upon the attached boundary description document (Attachment 5). <br />DMP Proposes the continuation the integrated Orthophotography already in place at the City provided by <br />Eagle Aerial, which meet and exceed the requirements laid out in this scope of work. Eagle and DMP have <br />worked for years to integrate Eagle's streaming service with DMP's SaaS platform at a level of performance <br />that is Industry leading and free of lag and failure issues that often occur when merging diverse solutions. <br />The Integration process was complex and required the implementation of proprietary technologies and skill <br />sets that allow the level of Integrative performance between the Eagle imagery stream and the DMP <br />software solution to be seamless. Due to the extensive efforts over the years, performance specs meet or <br />exceed the following industry leading standards: <br />o Availability: 99.99% uptime <br />o Response Times: <br />90% tiles under 4SOms <br />99% tiles under 800ms <br />99.99% tiles under 1200ms <br />The City desires to have one point of contact for all interactions with the Vendor in regardsto the Digital Aerial <br />Orthophotography Project. The City also desires the option to change the point of contact as needed during <br />the course of the agreement, at the City's discretion. <br />See Project Management and Oversight proposed in Company Overview— Project Team Members. <br />The city desires to enter into a three-year agreement with the vendor with the option to extend the agreement <br />for an additional two years. In the sealed fee proposal, the Vendor will provide four (4) quotes based on the <br />project requirements listed below for the following deliverable schedules: <br />Initial Three Year Contract Schedules: <br />Delivery Schedule One: Imagery flown and delivered in years one, two and three. <br />Delivery Schedule Two: Imagery flown and delivered in year one and year three. <br />Extended Fourth and Fifth Year Contract Schedules: <br />Delivery Schedule Three: Imagery flown and delivered in year four and year <br />five. Delivery Schedule Four: Imagery flown and delivered in year five. <br />211 Page <br />