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City of Santa Ana Public <br />Public Works Agency <br />PROPOSAL - RFP 17-002 <br />kJDIGITAL MAP Geographic Information Systems Services and Data <br />PRODUCTS <br />Project Requirements: <br />Horizontal Accuracy <br />The datum for horizontal adjustments and positions must be the North American Datum of 1983 (NAD 83). <br />The datum for vertical adjustments and elevations will be the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NA VD <br />88). Further, it must be adjusted to the 2007 EPOCH adjustment by the County of Orange to account for <br />ground shift in Orange County that has caused 2.2' average shift from the 1988 NAD datum. All horizontal <br />values must be published in the California Coordinate System 1983 (CCS83), Zone 6, State Plane values in U.S. <br />Survey Feet, <br />Eagle Aerial Orthophotography meet and exceed these requirements. <br />The ortho images must be tied to the current Geodetic control network from the Orange County Survey <br />Department. They must also have a horizontal accuracy of plus/minus one foot or better throughout the <br />project area. <br />Eagle Aerial Orthophotography meet and exceed these requirements. <br />Flight Campaign <br />All aerial photography must be performed in accordance with specifications established by the American <br />Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. A large format, calibrated digital mapping camera with <br />forward motion compensation must be used. The vendor will deliver a Camera Calibration Certificate for the <br />camera used. Planning and acquisition will be performed under the direction of an ASPRS Certified <br />Photogrammetrist. The Vendor will provide a copy of the certificate confirming the ASPRS certification <br />upon request. <br />Eagle Aerial Orthophotography meet and exceed these requirements. Eagle will provide a copy of the ASPRS <br />certification upon request. <br />Weather, time of day and time of year <br />The photography must be captured in the May/June time frame with the sun at least 30 degrees above the <br />horizon. Visibility at time of capture must be a minimum of 10 miles as reported at local weather stations to <br />assure clear, crisp images. <br />Eagle Aerial Orthophotography meet and exceed these requirements. <br />221Page <br />