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City of Santa Ana Public <br />Public Works Agency <br />PROPOSAL - RFP 17-002 <br />kJDIGITALMAP Geographic Information Systems Services and Data <br />PRODUCTS <br />Digital Orthophotographv Production <br />The orthophotography must be produced with 0.25-foot resolution or better. All orthophotography must be <br />delivered in GEO_TIF and MrSID image file formats with associated World files. The images will be mosaic'd <br />and seamless in appearance. Radiometric adjustments will be performed to balance brightness and contrast <br />of the imagery over the entire project area with the intent that it should match the brightness and contrast <br />of the orthophotography deliverables from previous years. The orthorectified .TIF files must be tiled for <br />delivery according to an index, tiling scheme, and file naming convention provided by the City. The tiled files <br />will be edge matched and seamless in appearance. The MrSID compression will be conducted at a minimum <br />20:1 ratio to create a singular file consisting of all seamless orthorectified tiles. <br />Eagle Aerial Orthophotography meet and exceed these requirements. <br />ORANGE COUNTY AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY <br />Eagle Aerial Imaging has been providing aerial photography of the Orange County, California area for more <br />than 20 years. Eagle is centrally located in Orange County, California. <br />As an Orange County aerial Imagery company, Eagle has provided aerial images, aerial maps, ortho images, <br />and aerial surveys to the largest and most respected government and private organizations in the Southern <br />California as well as many smaller entities wanting quick service and good value. <br />Detailed summary of deliverables for each year Imagery is flown and delivered, <br />• A Camera Calibration Certificate for the camera used for the flight and imagery acquisition. <br />A Camera Calibration Certificate for camera used will be delivered with the imagery. <br />• Document that provides the date, time and weather conditions for the image acquisition. <br />Documented weather conditions during imagery acquisition will be provided. <br />• A perpetual enterprise license for the imagery for the entire City of Santa Ana to use, including <br />emergency responders for dispatch and inside the MDC units in their vehicles. The city will be allowed <br />to give copies of the licensed imagery to consultants and contractors doing work on behalf of the city <br />under a pre -created sub -license agreement provided by the vendor. <br />These requirements are all included in the proposed licensing of Eagle Aerial Imagery. <br />• The imagery must be able to stream into SaaS GIS service "Digital Map Products - GovClarity" or other <br />SaaS GIS web -based service for no additional charge. <br />The imagery is fully integrated into DMP's GovClarity product producing a comprehensive <br />streaming environment for the end user. <br />231Page <br />