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City of Santa Ana Public <br />Public Works Agency <br />PROPOSAL - RFP 17-002 <br />DIGITAL MAPGeograpluc Information Systems Services and Data <br />PRODUCTS <br />PROPOSAL OPTION 3: Graphic Parcel and Assessor Data <br />Project Scope <br />The City of Santa Ana seeks to acquire Orange County parcels, centerlines and tax roll data for the City in GIS, <br />CAD and tabular formats on an annual and/or quarterly basis. DMP is the current provider of Graphic Parcel <br />and Assessor Tax Roll Data used by the City of Santa Ana and hundreds of users throughout the state. DMP <br />proposes to continue to provide the City of Santa Ana with SmartParcels"" and centerlines for a seamless <br />integrated approach and data continuity throughout all products used at the City. <br />SmartParcels Parcel and Property Data <br />SmartParcels empowers your geospatial and location -based systems, applications and analytics with better <br />location context, accuracy and interactivity. Leverage the power of nationwide parcel data and property <br />attribute records, which we standardize and join together from thousands of local government offices on an <br />ongoing basis. Heighten your location intelligence with our parcel data, unparalleled in accuracy, breadth, <br />currency and depth of detail. <br />Ultraprecise and Detailed Positional Accuracy <br />SmartParcels parcel data comprises key elements driving location accuracy and detail: <br />• parcel boundary <br />• parcel level geocode orcentroid <br />• parcel APN/Tax ID number <br />■ parcel address/SITUS <br />• parcels linked with property and tax attributes such as ownership, land use, assessed value and more <br />SmartParcels are platform independent and can be integrated into any standard commercial application or in- <br />house system. SmartParcels can be delivered via our ParcelStream web service/API, a module of <br />our SpatialStream platform, providing an easy integration into your applications with unequaled performance <br />and user interactivity. We also offer SmartParcels via on -site delivery (Shapefile, FGDB) when controlled <br />deployment on your premises or behind your firewall is desired. <br />251Page <br />