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City of Santa Ana Public <br />Public Works Agency <br />PROPOSAL - RFP 17-002 <br />Geographic Information Systems Services and Data <br />® DIGITAL MAP <br />PRODUCTS <br />Tabular Orange County Assessor Tax Roll Data (Minimum Reauirem nts) <br />SmartParcels Parcel Data Linked with Property Attributes <br />Our SmartParcels property attributes datasets offers unparalleled insight into real estate. SmartParcels <br />parcel data linked with detailed property characteristics including ownership, land use, building <br />characteristics, site details, legal description, tax, valuation, and transaction history to fuel refined property <br />planning and engagement strategies across all properties you target or service <br />Digital Map Products' SmartParcels parcel attributes data is sourced primarily from assessor tax roils and <br />deed updates from county recorder offices with advanced address verification and normalization <br />techniques. <br />The Vendor will provide updated Orange County Assessor's Tax Roll information in Microsoft <br />Access Database format on a quarterly basis. <br />DMP will provide quarterly OC Assessor's Tax Roll to the City in Microsoft Access Database. <br />The City desires a perpetual enterprise license for the Tax Roll data that allows unlimited use for all <br />city employees, consultants, contractors and agents of the City. <br />DMP SmartParcel licensing meets these requirements and needs <br />The City will determine the required fields for the deliveries. Over the duration of the contract, the City <br />may require that the tax roll data be delivered in a format that is compatible with the ESRI Local <br />Government Information Model (LGIM) schema. The Vendor will work with the City to provide the assessor <br />data in the desired format/schema. <br />DMP will work with the City over the course of the contact to ensure data Is delivered in the <br />desired format/schema. <br />While the City requires this data to be delivered in Microsoft Access database format, the City is open to <br />additional new products that feature the tax roll data in other formats. The Vendor will work with the City <br />to ensure the City's needs are met if any delivery format changes occur. <br />DMP will work with the City to ensure the City's needs are met If any delivery format changes <br />occur. <br />281Page <br />