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City of Santa Ana Public <br />Public Works Agency <br />PROPOSAL - RFP 17-002 <br />Geograpbic Information Systems Services and Data <br />® DIGITAL MAP <br />PRODUCTS <br />DMP SmartParcels will continue to meet the data extent as indicated in Attachment 5. <br />• The Vendor will deliver the parcels and centerlines within 30 days of the County releasing the updated <br />parcel information. <br />DMP will meet the City delivery requirements for parcels and centerlines. <br />• The Vendor will utilize an FTP site for electronic delivery. <br />DMP will utilize an FTP site for.electronic delivery. <br />The Vendor will: <br />• Microstation DGN Deliverables (annual delivery)' <br />• The Vendor will provide the Orange County Assessors' parcels and centerlines in Microstation V8 DGN <br />format. <br />DMP will provide SmartParcels and centerlines in Microstation V8 DGN format. <br />• The City will deliver an example DGN file to the Vendor so the Vendor can match the projection, working <br />units, levels, line styles, colors and all other applicable DGN attributes as required by the City. <br />DMP will work with the City's example DGN file to match projection, working units, levels, line styles, <br />colors and all other applicable DGN attributes as required by the City. <br />• The minimum extent of the delivery will match the data extent as indicated in Attachment 5 of this RFP. <br />All data delivery by DMP will meet the extent indicated In Attachment S. <br />• The Vendor will deliver the parcels and centerlines within 30 days of the County releasing the updated <br />parcel information. <br />DMP will meet the City delivery requirements for parcels and centerlines. <br />• The Vendor will utilize an FTP site for electronic delivery. <br />DMP will utilize FTP, site for all electronic delivery. <br />271Page <br />