Laserfiche WebLink
Cover Letter — A letter signed by a principal or authorized representative who can <br />make legally binding commitments for the entity. <br />2. Firm and Personnel Experience: A profile of the firm's experience, including the <br />names and experience of personnel and sub consultants who will be providing <br />services. At a minimum, this should include the project manager/principal agent, <br />associates in charge when project manager/principal agent is unavailable, key <br />personnel, and an organization chart identifying only those who will perform work for <br />the proposed project and the percentage of each individual's time devoted to this <br />project. The project manager/principal agent shall be the primary contact person to <br />represent your firm and will be the person to conduct the presentation, if invited for an <br />interview. <br />3. Implementation Plan: Proposer shall submit a general description of the deliverables <br />and timelines to complete the project. <br />4. Financial Responsibility (Capacity): If requested, proposer must be willing to submit its <br />most recent audited financial statement, evidencing proposer's financial capacity to <br />fully perform the required services. <br />B. EXHIBIT C — PROPOSERS STATEMENT AND PROPOSAL ITEM PRICING <br />Vendors must provide detailed fixed prices, including out-of-pocket expenses, for all costs <br />associated with the responsibilities and related services indicated herein. Clearly specify the <br />nature of expenses anticipated and the amount of each category for out-of-pocket expenses. <br />Vendors must submit a number of hours of service to be provided for each year of the <br />contract, an hourly cost for services and a total fixed-price for the project budget. <br />C. EXHIBIT D —REFERENCES — The Proposer shall submit a list of agencies, past and present, <br />for whom you have provided work similar to that identified in this RFP (Exhibit A) for the last 3 <br />years. Include the following information in the description section of the exhibit: <br />• The version of Drupal (e.g. 6, 7, 8, etc.) <br />• Approximate number of pages of the site <br />• Approximate number of content contributors <br />D. EXHIBIT E - PROPOSERS STATEMENT <br />E. EXHIBIT F— SAMPLE ADDITIONAL INSURED ENDORSEMENT FOR <br />COMMERCIALGENERAL LIABILITY POLICY <br />F. The proposal must be completely responsive to the RFP. Any exceptions to the <br />requirements of this RFP must be included in the proposal. Such exceptions must be <br />included as a separate element of the proposal entitled "Exceptions and Deviations." The <br />Executive Director, in his sole and absolute discretion, may authorize or deny any <br />exceptions. <br />G. The City reserves the right to reject any or all proposals submitted and no representation is <br />made hereby that any contract will be awarded pursuant to this RFP or otherwise. The City <br />reserves the right to waive minor inconsistencies in submitted Proposals. <br />XV. CONSULTANT SELECTION— PROPOSAL AND EVALUATION <br />25E7-40 <br />