Form W-9
<br />Line 2
<br />If you have a business nems, trade name. DBA name, or disregarded entity name,
<br />you may enter it on line 2.
<br />Line 3
<br />Check the appropriate box In line 3 for the U.S, federal tax classification of the
<br />person whose home Is entered on line 1. Check only one box In line 3,
<br />Limited Liability Company (LLC). If the name on line 1 Is an LLC treated as a
<br />partnership for U.S. federal lax purposes, check the "Limited Liability Company"
<br />box and enter "P" In the space provided. If the LLG has filed Form 8632 or 2553 to
<br />be taxed as a corporation, check the "Limited Liability Company" box and in the
<br />space provided enter "C" for C corporation or ""s" for corporation. If it Is a
<br />single -member LLC that Is a disregarded entity, do not check Ilio "Linc ted Liability
<br />company" box: instead check the first box in nine 3 "Individual/sole proprietor or
<br />single-memhor LLC."
<br />Line 4, Exemptions
<br />If you ere exempt from backup withholding and/or FATCA reporting, enter in the
<br />appropriate space In line 4 any cousin) that may apply to you.
<br />Exempt payee code-
<br />- Generally, individuals (Including sole proprietors) are not exempt from backup
<br />withholding.
<br />• Except as provided below, corporations are exempt from backup withholding
<br />for certain paymams, including interest and dividends.
<br />• Corporations are not exempt from backup withholding for payments made in
<br />settlement of payment or third party network transaction.,
<br />� Col'polabons are not exempt from backup withholding With respectto attorneys'
<br />fees or gases proceeds paid to attorneys, and corporations that provide eradicator
<br />health care services are not exempt with respect to payments reportable on Form
<br />1099-MISC.
<br />The following nodes identify payees that are exempt from backup withholding.
<br />Enter the appropriate code In the space In Ems 4.
<br />1—An organization exempt from lax under section 501(x), any IRA, or a
<br />custodial account under section 401 if the account satisfies the requirements
<br />of section 401(Q(2)
<br />2—The United States or any of Its agencies or Instrumentalities
<br />3—A state, the District of Columbia, a U,S. commonwealth or possession, or
<br />any of their poltlical subdivisions or instrumentalities
<br />4—A foreign government or any of Its political subdivisions, agencies, or
<br />tnalrumentalilles
<br />5—A corporation
<br />8—A dealer in securities or commoditler required to register in the United
<br />States, the District of Columbia, or a U.S, commonwealth or possession
<br />7—A futures commission merchant registered with the Commodity Futures
<br />Trading Commission
<br />8—A real create investment trust
<br />9—An entity registered at all times during the tax year under the Investment
<br />Company Act of 1940
<br />10--A common trust fund operated by bank under section 584(a)
<br />11—A financial Inethutlon
<br />12—A middleman known in the investment community as a nominee or
<br />custodian
<br />13—A trust exempt from tax under ... ran 664 or described in section 4947
<br />The following chart shows types of payments that may be exempt from backup
<br />withholding. The chart applies to the exempt payees listed above, l through 13.
<br />IF the payment is for...
<br />THEN the payment is exempt for,.,
<br />Interest and dividend payments
<br />All exempt payees except
<br />for 7
<br />Broker transactions
<br />Exempt payees 1 through 4 and 6
<br />through 11 and all C corporations. S
<br />corporations must not enter an exempt
<br />payee code because they are exempt
<br />only for sales of noncovered securities
<br />acquired prior to 2012.
<br />Barter exchange transactions and
<br />Exempt payees 1 through 4
<br />patronage dividends
<br />Payments over $600 required to be
<br />Generally, exempt payees
<br />reported and direct sales over $5,0001
<br />1 through 5e
<br />Payments made In settlement of
<br />Exempt payees l through
<br />payment card or third party network
<br />transactions
<br />1 See Form 10994MISC, Miscellaneous Income, and its instructions.
<br />'However, the fallowing payments made to a corporation and reportable on Farm
<br />1099-MISC are not exempt from backup withholding: medical and health care
<br />payments, attorneys' fees, gross proceeds paid to an attorney reportable under
<br />section 6o45(Q, and payments for services paid by a federal executive agency.
<br />Exemption from FATCA reporting coda. The following codes identity payees
<br />that are exempt from reporting under FATCA. Those codes apply to persona
<br />submitting thus form foraccounts maintained outside of the United States by
<br />certain foreign financial institutions. Therefore, if you are only submitting this form
<br />for an account you hold in the United States, you may leave this field blank.
<br />Consult with the person requesting this form if you are uncertain If the financial
<br />institution is subject to these requirements. A requester may indicate that a code is
<br />not required by providing you with a Form W-9 with "Not Applicable" (or any
<br />similar Indication) written or printed on the line for a FATGA exemption code.
<br />A—An organization exempt from tax under section 501(a) or any individual
<br />retirement plan as earned In section 7701(a)(37)
<br />B—The United States or any of its agencies or Instrumentalities
<br />C—A state, the District of Columbia, a U.S, commonwealth or possession, or
<br />any of their political ouledivlslons or instrumentalities
<br />D—A corporation the stuck of which Is regularly traded on one or more
<br />established securities markets, as described in Regulations section
<br />1.1472-1(c)(1)(q
<br />E—A corporation that Is a member of the same expanded aifl11a1ed group as a
<br />corporation described In Regulations section 1,14724(.)(1)(1)
<br />F—A dealer in securities, commodities, or derivative financial instruments
<br />(including notional principal contracts, futures, forwards, and options)that is
<br />registered as such under the laws of the United States or any state
<br />G—A real estate investment trust
<br />H—A regulated Investment company as defined In section 851 or an entity
<br />registered at all times during the tax year under the Investment Company Act of
<br />1940
<br />I—A Gammon trust fund as dellned in section 584(a)
<br />J—A bank as defined In section 581
<br />K—A broker
<br />L—A trust exempt from lax under section 664 or described in section 4947(x)(1)
<br />M—A tax exempt trust under a section 403(b) plan or section 457(8) pian
<br />Note. You may wish to consult with the financial institution requesting this form to
<br />determine whether the FATCA code and/or exempt payee code should be
<br />completed.
<br />Line 5
<br />Enter your address (number, etre at, and apartment or suite number). This is where
<br />the requester of this Form W-9 will mail your Information returns.
<br />Line 6
<br />Enter your city, state, and ZIP code.
<br />Part I. Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN)
<br />Enter your TIN In the appropriate box. If you are aresident alien and you do not
<br />have and are not eligible to get an SEN, your -FIN is your IRs lndtvldual taxpayer
<br />Identification number (ITIN). Enter It In the social security number box. If you do not
<br />have an ITIN, see Now to get a TIN below.
<br />If you are a sole proprietor and you have an EIN, you may enter either your SSN
<br />or LIN, However, the IRS prefers that you use your SSN.
<br />If you are a single -member LLC that Is disregarded as an entity separate from Its
<br />owner (see Limited Liability Company (LI on this page), enter the owner's SSN
<br />(or EIN, If the owner has ane). Dc not enter the disregarded entity's EIN. If the LLC
<br />is classified as a corporation or partnership, enter the entity's EIN.
<br />Note. See the chart an page 4 far further ciarificatlon of name and TIN
<br />combinations.
<br />How to get a TIN. If you do not have a TIN, apply for one immediately. To apply
<br />for an SSN, get Form 88-5, Application for a Social Security Card, from your local
<br />SSA office or get this Conn online at You may also get this form by
<br />calling 1-800-772-1213. Use Form W-7, Application for IRS Individual Taxpayer
<br />Identification Number, to apply for an ITIN, or Form 35-4, Application for Employer
<br />Identificatlon Number, to apply for an LIN. You can apply for an EIN online by
<br />accessing the IRS website at; and clicking on Employer
<br />Identification Number (EIN) under Starting a Business. You can get Forms W-7 and
<br />SS -4 from the IRS by visiting or by calling 1 -800 -TAX -FORM
<br />(1-800-829-3878).
<br />If you are asked to complete Farm W-9 but do not have aTIN, apply fora TIN
<br />and write "Applied For" In the space for the TIN, sign and date the farm, and give It
<br />to the requester. For Interest and dividend payments, and certain payments made
<br />w11h respect to readily tradable Instruments, generally you will have 60 days to get
<br />a TIN and give It to the requester before you are subject to backup withholding on
<br />payments. The 60 -day rule does not apply to other types of payments, You Will be
<br />subject to backup withholding on all such payments until you provide your TIN to
<br />the requester.
<br />Note. Entering "Applied For" means that you have already applied for aTIN rather
<br />you Intend to apply for one soon.
<br />caution: Adisregsrded U.S. arelty that has a foreign ownerrnust use the
<br />appropriate Form W-8.
<br />750-51
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