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City of Santa Ana I California <br />Objective: Develop and test model. <br />Description: This task involves updating the model developed for the original study, which will ultimately be <br />used to calculate the updated departmental fees, based on data and information gathered in <br />previous tasks and in the Time Survey Interviews described In Task 5. To ensure that City <br />policies are met through the imposition of the calculated fees, the model will be formatted to <br />Include appropriate costs. <br />Key model inputs will include staff and allocated overhead costs per position, and relevant <br />budget data on salaries and benefits, This information will be obtained directly from the City <br />and incorporated directly into the user fee model. We will request clarification and/or additional <br />data If necessary. <br />The model will provide an allocation of administrative and overhead costs to fee related <br />activities and departments providing services to customers, so that fees and billable rate <br />schedules incorporate applicable costs. Furthermore, the fees and rates charged to customers <br />will also reflect the cost of the services being provided, to the extent possible given policy <br />and/or political considerations. <br />Deliverables: Wilidan: One (1) user-friendly model in Microsoft Excel format, which, when finalized, City <br />staff can use to calculate fee changes annually, or as often as deemed appropriate by the City <br />Council. <br />Xask 5' Time urvey Interviews On-site Information Gathering <br />Objective: Meet with City staff to complete Time Surveys and understand service delivery processes. <br />Descdptlon: In order to assist staff with the completion of the survey worksheets, we will schedule a full day <br />of on-site meetings with staff; however, the number of meetings needed may very depending <br />on the number of staff and departments involved. <br />The Wilfdan Team will conduct interviews with supervisors/managers, as well as other staff, <br />as deemed appropriate and/or necessary, from each department involved in the fee study to <br />determine the average time required by City staff to provide each of the services for which a <br />fee is collected. <br />The fee model is designed so that full cost recovery fees are calculated immediately upon input <br />of staff time. This will allow Wilidan and City staff to conclude with a final meeting to review the <br />draft full cost recovery fees, and adjust any times as necessary, once all information has been <br />compiled and Input into the fee model. We will schedule the interviews with staff to minimize <br />any disruption to their normal workflow. <br />Meetings: One (1) full business day of meetings/staff interviews, with one (`I) additional follow up day. <br />Deliverables: Wilidan and City: Time surveys and draft full cost recovery fees. <br />ObJective: Examine the user fees charged by comparable Orange County, or jurisdictions that are similar <br />to the City of Santa Ana. <br />Description: We will access and use our knowledge of other jurisdictions to benchmark the City's five (5) <br />most common fees or highest yielding fees with comparable jurisdictions agreed. <br />Fee schedules are rarely readily or directly comparable from agency to agency due to <br />definitional and operational differences. For example, a grading permit in one jurisdiction may <br />include the plan check service, while the same permit in another jurisdiction may not, resulting <br />in similar sounding services with widely varying costs. For this reason, Wiildan takes a <br />selection of the City's most commonly used and/or highest yielding fees. <br />The survey will contain the following: <br />r <br />' . Comprehensive. innovative. Trusted. 15 Cifyof5untaAna <br />w ..:.' User Fee Study <br />