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Santa Ana/Garden Grove Fixed Guideway Project Addendum <br />Cultural Resources <br />A supplemental cultural resources technical analysis was prepared to identify whether any of the proposed design <br />modifications within the Project would affect the previous findings regarding cultural resources (both historic and <br />archaeological) within the previously -approved APE, and the revised APE (see Cultural Resources Update Technical <br />Memorandum, Appendix B). <br />As identified in the EIR, the proposed Project was not expected to have a significant impact on historical resources <br />(including historic architecture) or archaeological resources. However, given the sensitivity of the area for <br />archaeological resources, archaeological monitoring would be conducted for earth -disturbing activities that could <br />encounter previously undisturbed soils perthe Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP) adopted as part <br />of the EIR. <br />The proposed design modifications would expand the previously -identified APE associated with cultural resources. <br />The 2015 EIR APE was originally created to take into consideration both archaeology and architectural resources, <br />encompassing the maximum footprint for construction, ground -disturbance and grading, and generally extended one <br />parcel past the limits of the above -ground Project improvements, and/or direct impacts for the TPSS sites, gated <br />crossings, tree removal areas, maintenance facilities, transit structures, raised medians, staging areas, property <br />acquisitions, and ROW impacts. The APE also included previously recorded cultural resources located adjacent to <br />the above -ground Project improvements and direct impact areas. In addition, the APE included parcels adjacent to <br />the proposed Project footprint as part of the architectural history field surveys for properties that may be potentially <br />indirectly affected by visual, audible, or atmospheric intrusions, shadow effects, vibrations from construction activities, <br />or change in access or use. These areas of the APE would not be physically demolished, destroyed, <br />relocated/removed, materially altered, or impacted from neglect or deterioration as a result of the Project. <br />As part of the supplemental cultural resources analysis (Appendix B), the original Project APE was compared to the <br />design modifications, and a revised and expanded APE was developed to address the modifications. The revised <br />APE encompasses the original 2015 APE and was expanded in areas to accommodate design modifications <br />identified in Table 1, primarily to include the relocation of TPSS, areas of ground disturbance due to utility relocations <br />and storm drain improvements, adjustments to platforms, station stops, and rail lines, and the location of the bridge <br />over the Santa Ana River. The APE maps include the locations of historic properties. In keeping with the previous <br />methodology, both direct and indirect effects were taken into account when revising the APE and include areas <br />where the streetcar and its Project components will be visible and/or where there may be effects due to audible or <br />atmospheric impacts or vibration impacts from construction. <br />Additionally, an updated records search was conducted with the South Central Coastal Information Center to ensure <br />that all recently recorded cultural resources in the expanded APE were taken into account in the supplemental <br />cultural resources study. Based on the results of the records search, there are no newly identified historic properties <br />located within the expanded 2016 APE as compared to the 2015 APE. A reconnaissance -level field survey was <br />conducted in May 2016 to photograph and document the expanded areas of the revised APE. <br />As noted in the 2014 survey and evaluation, there are several historic properties located with the 2015 APE. The <br />proposed modifications and the expanded APE include the historic properties identified in Table 2 of the <br />supplemental cultural resources analysis (Appendix B). There are no known archaeological or paleontological <br />resources eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) located within the original or expanded <br />APE. <br />The expanded APE does not include any known archaeological or paleontological resources eligible for or listed in <br />the NRHP. Ground disturbance would not be more than five feet beneath the existing surface in most areas. The <br />deepest excavations would be 12-20 feet deep (likely a 36 -inch diameter boring) to accommodate OCS pole <br />foundations, depending on soil conditions which will be determined through a geotechnical investigation. Although <br />the APE has already been subject to extensive disruption from previous development and may contain artificial fill <br />7 I age 1170726.1 <br />