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Santa Ana/Garden Grove Fixed Guideway Project Addendum <br />materials, the APE has the possibility of containing intact, undisturbed cultural deposits below the level of previous <br />disturbance. As such, important archaeological resources may exist within the APE. The potential exists that <br />construction activities associated with ground disturbance may unearth undocumented archaeological resources. <br />Implementation of Mitigation Measure CR 1 of the EIR MMRP would ensure that measures are taken to minimize <br />potential effects to archaeological resources. Therefore, no adverse effects would occur to archaeological resources <br />as a result of the design modifications, and no change to the previously -adopted Mitigation Measure CR 1 would be <br />required. <br />The proposed utility and storm drain modifications, the repositioning of double -track and platforms, placing single <br />crossovers, restriping Santa Ana Boulevard, and repositioning of platforms would occur almost entirely within the <br />street and PE ROW, which have been previously disturbed with pavement, utility lines and a previous rail line. Within <br />the street ROW, construction would require a depth of approximately 18 inches below ground surface of excavation <br />for placement of foundation material and laying track. Additional depth of excavation may be required for utility <br />relocations and foundation construction for the TPSSs at a depth of five feet or less, but this would not likely <br />encounter previously undisturbed soil. These areas are all located in previously disturbed areas with underground <br />infrastructure along the street ROW, and the potential for the accidental discovery of archeological resources is low. <br />The construction and operation of the proposed Project would not disrupt the essential form or integrity of the historic <br />properties in the expanded APE. Further, the design modifications would not result in visual, audible, or atmospheric <br />intrusions beyond those noted in the 2014 cultural resources evaluation. <br />Based on the expanded 2016 APE, the sensitivity of the area for archaeological resources and the recommendation <br />for archaeological monitoring to be conducted for earth -disturbing activities that could encounter previously <br />undisturbed soils is unchanged, and should remain consistent with the EIR. The updated analysis confirms that there <br />are no changes to the previous conclusions regarding cultural resources as a result of the engineering refinements <br />and that a less than significant impact would result from the Project modifications within the revised/expanded APE <br />for the Project modifications. No additional cultural resource impact would occur and the conclusions and mitigation <br />measure (Mitigation Measure CR 1) identified in the EIR remain accurate and applicable to the proposed Project <br />modifications. <br />Geolop, Soils, and Seismicity <br />The potential geology, soils, and seismicity impacts associated with the construction and operation of the Project <br />were evaluated in the EIR. Since the certification of the EIR, there have been no changes to the geological, soils or <br />seismic environment or changes to the characteristics of the proposed Project as evaluated in the EIR that would <br />affect these resources. The EIR concluded that impacts related to geologic and seismic hazards were less than <br />significant and that no mitigation measures are required. No additional geology, soils, and seismicity impact would <br />occur and the conclusions regarding no significant impacts identified in the EIR remain accurate. <br />BSP age 1170726.1 <br />