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Santa Ana/Garden Grove Fixed Guideway Project Addendum <br />Construction <br />The potential construction impacts associated with the proposed Project construction were evaluated in the EIR. <br />This chapter of the EIR evaluated potential construction impacts related to visual quality, energy resources, traffic, <br />circulation, parking, hazardous materials, air quality, noise and vibration, and land use. Since the certification of the <br />EIR, there have been no changes to the construction characteristics of the proposed Project as evaluated in the EIR. <br />Proposed construction activities would remain the same as previously evaluated with respect to these environmental <br />resource areas. <br />The proposed design modifications would not change the previous conclusions regarding construction impacts. No <br />additional impacts would occur to these environmental resources and the conclusions that the Project would not <br />result in a significant impact to these resources as identified in the EIR remain accurate. <br />Other Considerations <br />The EIR addressed several environmental issue areas within Chapter 3.17 Other Considerations. These included: <br />Biological Resources, Utilities and Service Systems (Wastewater Treatment and Facilities, Stormwater Drainage <br />Facilities, Water Supply, and Solid Waste Disposal and Compliance Regulations), Parklands and Recreational <br />Facilities, Growth Inducing Impacts, Significant Irreversible Environmental Changes, and Summary of Significant <br />Unavoidable Impacts <br />Biological Resources. The proposed design modifications would not significantly impact biological resources as <br />these resources are not present within, or in proximity to, the limits of disturbance associated with implementation of <br />the design modifications. No additional impacts would occur to this environmental resource and the conclusions that <br />the Project would not result in a significant impact to this resource as identified in the EIR remain accurate. <br />Utilities and Service Systems. The proposed design modifications would result in less than significant impacts to <br />wastewater treatment facilities, stormwater drainage facilities, water supply, and solid waste disposal. <br />As with the Project described in the EIR, implementation of the design modifications would not generate wastewater <br />from activity along the alignment or at stations. Wastewater would be generated by the 0&M Facility, but no change <br />to the 0&M Facility is proposed, and as identified in the EIR, the 0&M Facility would not put added strain on existing <br />wastewater treatment capacity. <br />Project modifications are proposed related to drainage improvements as described previously under "Water Quality, <br />Hydrology and Floodplains." No change to the previous conclusion of less than significant impact would occur. <br />The design modifications would not change the water use associated with operation and maintenance of the Project, <br />such as vehicle washing and worker hygiene. No change to the previous conclusion of less than significant impact <br />would occur. <br />Solid waste receptacles would be placed at stations, and solid waste would be generated at the 0&M Facility. <br />However, no changes to these aspects of the Project are proposed with the design modifications, therefore, no <br />change to the previous conclusion of less than significant impact would occur. <br />Parklands and Recreational Facilities. The proposed design modifications would not significantly impact parklands <br />and recreational facilities. No additional impacts would occur to these environmental resources and the conclusions <br />that the project would not result in a significant impact to these resources as identified in the EIR remain accurate. <br />151P age 1170726.1 <br />