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JDK:bc: 10/10/88 t� <br />�2+5:r�Cwb szU SaKa N <br />PA <br />G1 <br />' C $oa/n FiuMe wa�c <br />AGREEMENT BETWEEN ORANGE COUNTY WATER ` 2! Z6" <br />DISTRICT AND CITY OF EGARDING�� q��-�f <br />DISTRIBUTION AND SA OF G EN ACRES <br />PROJECT WATER (� <br />THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into as of Sept. 21 <br />1988, by and between the ORANGE COUNTY WATER DISTRICT (here- <br />inafter "OCWD") and the CITY OF SANTA ANA, (hereinafter <br />"RETAILER"). <br />RECITALS <br />A. OCWD was created by the OCWD Act, Ch. 924, Stats. <br />1933, as amended, for the purpose of protecting and managing <br />the Orange County groundwater basin. The OCWD Act empowers <br />OCWD to manage the groundwater basin, to provide for the <br />conservation of the quantity and quality of water in the <br />groundwater basin, to conserve and reclaim water within or <br />outside of the boundaries of OCWD, to sell or otherwise put <br />to beneficial use any water or reclaimed wastewater in order <br />to conserve groundwater resources, and to distribute water to <br />persons in exchange for ceasing or reducing the extraction of <br />groundwater from the groundwater basin. <br />B. OCWD purchases imported water from the Metropolitan <br />Water District of Southern California (hereinafter "MWD"), <br />through its member public agencies, for spreading and replen- <br />ishment purposes, and obtains wastewater from the County <br />Sanitation Districts of Orange County (hereinafter "CSDOC") <br />for renovation -reclamation and groundwater injection. <br />25B-3 <br />OCWD R88-9-175 <br />EXHIBIT 1 <br />