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NS-2921 - Repealing and Reenacting in Their Entirety Articles I, II, III, and V of Chapter 39 of Santa Ana Municipal Code
2011 - 2020 (NS-2813 - NS-3000)
2017 (NS-2908 - NS-2934)
NS-2921 - Repealing and Reenacting in Their Entirety Articles I, II, III, and V of Chapter 39 of Santa Ana Municipal Code
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8/24/2017 4:37:03 PM
Creation date
8/17/2017 5:43:09 PM
City Clerk
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(2) In all cases of sewer connection application for the servicing of a <br />commercial laundry or restaurant, a fee in the amount of the standard cost per fixture <br />unit multiplied by thirty (30) fixture units per clothes washing or dishwashing machine <br />shall be assessed in addition to other fee assessments pursuant to subparagraph (1) <br />above. <br />(3) The city council shall, from time to time, establish by resolution the current <br />assessment per fixture unit and the sewer connection application fees resulting <br />therefrom in accordance with this section. <br />(4) All fees collected shall be deposited into the sewer connection fee fund <br />pursuant to article VII of chapter 13. <br />Sec. 39-54. - Development conditioned upon sewer line construction. <br />The director of public works shall review building permit applications for the <br />purpose of determining whether the proposed development would result in an overload <br />of existing sewer line capacity. No building permit which would result in such overload <br />shall be approved unless a sewer line of sufficient capacity be first constructed or <br />unless the city and the applicant enter into an agreement for its subsequent <br />construction. In determining the necessary sewer line capacity, the director of public <br />works shall take into account the anticipated future development of all parcels that use <br />or will use the sewer line to be constructed. The city may enter into an agreement with <br />any person constructing a sewer line pursuant to this section by which such person, or <br />his successor -in -interest, shall be reimbursed for costs of construction of a sewer line, <br />to the extent they exceed such person's own sewer connection fees due under section <br />39-53, solely from revenues in the sewer connection fee fund established by article VII <br />of chapter 13 of this code. Any such agreement may provide that any fee that would <br />otherwise be due pursuant to section 39-53 from the contracting party shall be a credit <br />on the contracting party's right to receive reimbursement, in which case no payment of <br />the fee to the city shall be required from the contracting party. <br />Sec. 39-55. - General regulations. <br />(a) Maintenance of discharger's facilities. Dischargers shall prevent the <br />discharge of FOG and prohibited wastes pursuant to section 39-58 and keep their <br />sewer laterals, cleanouts, and other apparatus (except facilities owned by the city) in <br />good repair and free from leakage and blockages at their own expense. Customers <br />shall be liable for all damages which may result from the customer's failure to maintain <br />such facilities in good repair and free from leakage and blockages. <br />(b) Vacated premises. Sewerage rates will be charged for vacated premises <br />until the city is notified of the discontinuance of the use of water and is requested to turn <br />off the water. <br />Ordinance No. NS -2921 <br />Page 40 of 57 <br />
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