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(c) Admittance to premises. Any authorized employee of the city shall be <br />admitted at all reasonable hours to all appropriate parts of the premises supplied with <br />sewerage service to see that the provisions of this article, resolutions adopted pursuant <br />hereto, and administrative regulations published in accordance herewith are carried out. <br />(d) Responsible owner or applicant. In all cases where sewerage service is <br />being provided to several tenants from one connection, the city contracts only with the <br />person designated on the application. Failure by such person to comply with the <br />provisions of this article, or with resolutions or regulations enacted or adopted pursuant <br />hereto, shall be sufficient cause to disconnect all service until such ordinances, <br />resolutions, or regulations are complied with. <br />(e) Damage to discharger's property. The city will not be responsible for <br />damages to buildings or their contents from any blockage in any portion of a sewer <br />lateral. <br />(f) Unused sewer lateral. Any sewer lateral connection which has been <br />installed for a period of ten (10) years or more and has not been activated for ten (10) <br />years shall be considered inactive and obsolete. Any person desiring sewerage service <br />for such premises or any portion thereof formerly served by the inactive sewer lateral <br />shall make application for a new sewer lateral connection and pay the current charge <br />therefore. <br />(g) Facilities owned by city. The city's ownership of sewer facilities ends at <br />the point of connection between the sewer main and the sewer lateral, or, in other <br />special installations, where the city's facilities terminate. <br />Sec. 39-55.1. - Sewerage service charge—Purpose. <br />In order to reimburse the city, in part, for its service in transporting sewerage <br />from a water utility customer or other person using the city -owned sewer system and <br />facilities to Orange County's publicly owned treatment works and related infrastructure, <br />and to operate, maintain, repair, and replace the city -owned sewer system and facilities, <br />it is appropriate for the city to charge a sewerage service fee. This charge does not <br />duplicate any existing fee, charge, levy, or other toll currently collected by any public <br />agency, and is intended to be, and shall be interpreted as, distinct and separate from <br />any current or future (a) sewer standby or availability charge or assessment; (b) special <br />benefit assessment or special tax imposed pursuant to state or local law; (c) sewer <br />connection charge or sewer capacity charge paid in connection with or as a condition of <br />approving an application for sewer service; or (d) mitigation fee imposed on new <br />development pursuant to state law (California Government Code section 66000 et seq.) <br />or local law. Where appropriate, words and phrases used in sections 39-55.1-39.55.5 <br />shall have the same meaning as given them under article II of this chapter. <br />Sec. 39-55.2. - Same—Establishment <br />Ordinance No. NS -2921 <br />Page 41 of 57 <br />