Laserfiche WebLink
7 Question: How much of the square footage is Carpet, how much is hard Voir? <br />Answer: Adrhessed at job :rack. <br />8 Question: meow many restrgoms? Hoax many states, urinals per restroom? <br />Answer, Addressed at job walk. <br />9. Question: How many kitchens do they have and how many sinks? <br />Answar, Adtkessed at job walk- <br />10- <br />alk.1g. Question: How many days a week do you .vant Service? <br />Answer: Seven U) days a week - <br />1 i. Question: Estimated usage (number of hours) of prior contract? <br />Answer. T^.q -41"llo address this quasIjon is not available from irw CC'S syskons, and is'rralava i m <br />I. <br />prN,panrt,j a rasp00%e to the RFP. <br />12. Question: Estanamd number of hours for this con"tract? <br />Answer: P Nin riay -=tHtay; 48 hrs/aap Satu,,4 y, Sun;:f-a�.:t: hntiiia fs <br />13. Question: What is the current bili rate? <br />Answer. Tiflis infainmation shalt be requested in a FulAc Reco<d% r*, uest Ftease roar 10 the City s <br />�!tfrbsAp fear instructions on requestsrg !las :nfarmatiort. <br />14. Question: Are bid bonds and performance Fond required in this bid? <br />Answet: Propcsal Cerosit. ?tiid .Anil) is required, a Perfaimancfe Scrid is not <br />i5' Question: Has there been an isstua resulting in a catling of the banding fine? <br />Answer. No <br />ta. Question: Has the bonding company been put on notice or been notified? <br />Answer: No <br />17. question: How Oftenthow many times have you assessed liquidated damages. if applicable? <br />Answer: 0 <br />18, Question: When would be the start elate? <br />Answer: Cr,1 & about April 18. ,ol7 cxart date is not yet aeieimincd, <br />19 Question: The union contract expitas April 30. 2019 after that We have no idea what the •:.ages and <br />benefits wilt be. How dp you want us to price this? <br />Answer., Submit, prr..w.g fnr curmril untOn contract eoverins d:9teS tj'n:gjgh Apr? .X: 20*. to <br />:rciudet a •.^.tat s.L in )our bid undica='ng i+reing is subject to change ront,Yngent upon rw,i union contract. <br />20. Question: is the day shift (2 full time) and aftemoon shift (B full time) separate from one (1) onsite <br />Supervisor or are they the same personnel: <br />Answer: The total of (8) fust time staff Mandey - Friday. is inciuswe of one (1) onsite Supetaisnr. <br />21, Question: What is the cost of monthly parking per person? <br />Answer: The current rate s ."sE0 par month: erabject to change. Parkin} teas and passes, are arranged <br />diroMV through Conry of mange PartingAdministration. <br />25D-92 <br />