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NS-2924 - Adopting New Food Vending Vehicle Ordinance in Chapter 36 of Santa Ana Municipal Code
2011 - 2020 (NS-2813 - NS-3000)
2017 (NS-2908 - NS-2934)
NS-2924 - Adopting New Food Vending Vehicle Ordinance in Chapter 36 of Santa Ana Municipal Code
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12/21/2018 11:32:02 AM
Creation date
9/27/2017 2:31:04 PM
City Clerk
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NS-2655 - Adding Division 3 of Article 2 to Chapter 36 of Santa Ana Municipal Code to Regulate Vending Vehicles and Amending Section 1-18.1
\Ordinances\2000 - 2010 (NS-2416-2812)\2004 (NS-2641 - NS-2673)
NS-2701 - Amending Sections 36-56 through 36-63 of Chapter 36 of Santa Ana Municipal Code to Regulate Vending Vehicles, and Amending Section 1-18.1 of the Code
\Ordinances\2000 - 2010 (NS-2416-2812)\2005 (NS-2674 - NS-2706)
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provisions, no person shall vend to any customer whose location creates a traffic <br />hazard. <br />10. All food vending vehicles shall maintain and make refuse <br />containers available large enough to contain all trash and refuse generated by <br />the operation of such vehicle. The operator of the food vending vehicle shall pick <br />up all trash and refuse generated by the operator's vending during the time the <br />vehicle is stopped, that is within not less than a fifty (50) -foot radius of the <br />vehicle, before such vehicle is moved. <br />11. Restocking of a food vending vehicle shall only occur where the <br />vehicle is lawfully parked and such restocking does not restrict vehicle or <br />pedestrian traffic or otherwise create a traffic hazard. <br />12. No food vending vehicle shall attach to or receive any electrical <br />power or other utilities from any public or private property while the vehicle is <br />located on any private or public street or alley without a permit issued by the City <br />of Santa Ana. <br />13. Vending is prohibited from a food vending vehicle that is parked, <br />stopped, or standing on any public street, alley, or highway where the posted <br />speed limit on the public street, alley, or highway is thirty-five (35) miles per <br />hour or greater. <br />14. No owner or operator of a vending vehicle shall permit objects, <br />including but not limited to tables, chairs, or other furniture, trash receptacles, <br />generators or equipment, to be placed into that portion of the street, alley or <br />highway which is open to vehicular traffic, nor shall any object, including but <br />not limited to tables, chairs, other furniture, trash receptacles, generators or <br />equipment, be placed within or upon the parkway or sidewalk. <br />15. In conformance with the California Retail Food Code and County <br />of Orange Health Care Agency/Environmental Health, food vending vehicles <br />shall be stored at or within an approved commissary in order to have protection <br />from unsanitary conditions. Food vending vehicles shall not be stored <br />overnight outside of an approved commissary. <br />Sec. 36-703. Exemptions. <br />This article shall not apply to any City -sponsored event where the operator of the <br />food vending vehicle is operating pursuant to a valid contract with the City. <br />Sec. 36-704. Land Use Certificate Required for Vending on Private Property. <br />A. Vending on Private Property - Zones. Food vending vehicles shall be <br />allowed on private property in conjunction with a Land Use Certificate and/or special <br />Ordinance No. NS -2924 <br />Page 5 of 7 <br />
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