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State of California — The Resources Agency <br />DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION <br />PRIMARY RECORD <br />Other Ltstl <br />Review Cc <br />or <br />Primary <br />HRI #_ <br />NRHP Status Code <br />recorder) <br />P1. Other Identifier: <br />•P2. Location: ONot far Publication ■Unrestricted 'a. County Orange County <br />'b. USGS 7.5' Quad Date: September 7, 2017 <br />'c. Address 2544 North French Street City Santa Aria Zip 92706, <br />'e. Other Locational Data: APN 396-432-01 Tract: 1473 Lot: 44 <br />'P3a. Description:. (Describe resource and its major eleneals. Include desi0n, rualeiials, wndibun, alteralions,:size, setfin0, and boundaries.) <br />Located on the cast side of North French Stroot at the intersection of East Virginia Avenue, this building is a one=story• <br />single -fatuity residence constructed in the Ranch style. Generally rectangular in plan, the building has a moderate -pitch, side <br />gable, roof with intcrsccfing gables at the southern portion of the cast elevation. The roof has iittlo to no elves in the gable, <br />ends,. exposed rafter taifs, nd is clad in what appears to be wood shingle teofing. The exterior is dad in vertical board-and- <br />ballen slding with horizontal lapped siding in the, gable ends. The primary ontry is situated within an entry parch, nrid consists <br />of a rectangular door with diarnovd pattern:glazing in the upper, half. The asymmetrical exterior features double -hung, <br />casement windows, and groups of fixed windows, aft with distinctive diamond-shapod inunlins. Some windows at the bast <br />oldvallon aro flanked by decorative wood shutters, A detached garage with a moderafe-pitch side gable roof is located to the <br />west of the residence, and is accessed by a simp:p poured concrete driveway at East Virginia Averrue. There is a shed - <br />roofed addition off the westelevation of the residence that appears to have been constructed in 0973. The buildings and <br />overall properly are in good condition, The building refaia3 sufficient integrity to convey its original design. <br />'P3b. Resource Attributes: (list attributes and codes) HP2, Single-lard/Property <br />W. Resources Present. ■Building ❑Structure OObject OSile ❑District OElemenl of District• ❑Other <br />'P11. Report Citation: {Cee survey report and olhe: sources.,or enter'none') <br />None. <br />P5b. Photo: (Vow and data) <br />East and north elevations, view <br />southwest, August 2017 <br />'P6. Date Constructed/Ageand <br />Sources: ■historic <br />7954/0n'ginat building permit <br />'137. Owner and Address: <br />Jeffrey & Martha flartinoz <br />2544 North French Street <br />Sanla Ana, CA 92706 <br />'P8. Recorded by: <br />Brian MatuldChattel, lrc., for the <br />City of Santa Ana <br />20 Civic. Center Plaza 10-20 <br />Santa Ana, CA 92702 <br />'Pg. Date Recorded: <br />September 7, 2017 <br />"P10. Survey Type: <br />Intensive Survey Update <br />'Attachments: C1 None OLocation fvlap OSkelch heap mContinuation Sheet oBuilding, Structure, and Object Record <br />❑Archaeological Record ODistrict Record OLinear Feature Record ❑Milling Station Record ❑Rock ArtRecord <br />OArlifscl Record 0Ph0tngrnph Record O Othor (IIsi) <br />DPR 523A(1195) <br />25A-36 <br />'Required Information <br />