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State of California—The Resources Agency Primary # <br />DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION <br />BUILDING, STRUCTURE, AND.OSJECT RECORD <br />Page 2 of 3 •NRNP Status Code 5S3 <br />'Resource Name or #: 2544 North French Street <br />B1. Historic Name: E. L. and H. Smith House <br />B2. Common Name: Same <br />B3. Original Use: Single-family Residence 64, Present Use: Single-family Residence <br />'85. Architectural Style: Ranch <br />'1316. Construction History: (Construction dato, alterations, and date of allemlions}. Constructed 1954. <br />January 25, 1973. Hobby room, 54,500. <br />fnfay 22, 2001. Remodel kitchen; replace four wiridows. <br />'07. Moved? ■No Oyes ❑Unknown Date: OrlginalLocation: <br />*B8. Related Features: <br />None. <br />B9a. Architect: Unknovm <br />b. Builder. JaspeiPamey <br />"B10. Significance: Theme RestdentialArchitecture Area .Santa Ana <br />Period of Significance: 1954 Property Type: Singlo-family Rostdencn Applicable Criteria: 1 <br />(Discuss Importance in terns of historical orarchitectural context as defined by theme, period; and gecgraphic scope. Also address integrity) <br />2544 North French,Sfreet is architecturally signitrcant as a characteristic, example of (fie Ranch style. This house was <br />originally constructer! in 1954, and was valued at approximately $18,000, according to the original building permit. fNhile <br />there is no architect in the original budding permit, the contractor and owner are listed as Jasper Famey Jasper Famcy was <br />a contractor, and there is no evidence that he lived at the property, According to city directories, the first recorded occupants <br />were E Lee and Helen M. Smith, who lived at the property from the time of construction through at least 1980. E. Lee was <br />the president of the Smith Lee 8 Cu. insurance company based in Santa Ana. <br />(See Continuation Sheet 3 of 4.) <br />BI 1. Additional Rasourco Attributes: (List attributes and codes) _ <br />" B12- References: <br />City of Santa Ana Building Permits. <br />Harris, Cyril M. American Architecture: An Illustrated Encvcfooed7a. <br />i tistoric Maps, Santa Ana History Room, 1923. 1932, 1955. <br />Marsh, Diann. Santa Ana, An Illustrated H.istnrv. Enciritas. <br />Heritage Publishing, 1994. <br />(Soo Confirmation Sheol 4 of 4.) <br />1313.,Remarks: <br />'014. Evaluator: Brian Matuk7Chaftel, Inc., for fhe City of Santa -Ana <br />`Date of Evaluation: September 7, 2017 <br />(This space reserved for official comments.) <br />DPR 523B (1195) <br />25A-37 <br />New York, VAN Norton, 1998. <br />Sketch Map 2544 North French Street <br />The E. L. and H. Smifh <br />a <br />House <br />2 5 �jr <br />fi V <br />FRENCH <br />`li OlI Oil O <br />I I <br />21 �: 2a I 19 <br />I I i <br />I <br />'Required information <br />