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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY <br />Eastin House <br />1121 South Hickory Street <br />Santa Ana, CA 92701 <br />NAME <br />Eastin House <br />REF. NO. <br />ADDRESS <br />1121 South Hickory Street <br />CITY <br />Santa Ana <br />ZIP <br />1 92701 <br />ORANGE COUNTY <br />YEAR BUILT <br />1907 <br />LOCAL REGISTER CATEGORY: Contributive - <br />HISTORIC DISTRICT <br />None <br />NEIGHBORHOOD <br />I Eastside <br />CALIF. REGISTER CRITERIA FOR EVALUATION <br />C!3 <br />CALIFORNIA REGISTER STATUS CODE 5S3 <br />Location: ❑ Not for Publication ® Unrestricted <br />❑ Prehistoric ® Historic ❑ Both <br />ARCHITECTURAL STYLE: Queen Anne <br />The Queen Anne (Late Victorian) (also known as the Queen Anne Revival) dominated residential architectural design <br />during the last twenty years of the nineteenth century in the West, and was nearly as -influential on early commercial <br />buildings. Identifying features include the front -facing gable roof; ornate decoration of wood or'metal along the cave and <br />in the gable end; avoidance of flat wall surfaces through tho use of applied ornamentation of wood or metal; and classical <br />columns or pilasters. Multi -storied residential and commercial examples often incorporated bay windows, sometimes <br />topped with towers. The style borrowed heavily from tate Medieval models, with the addition of other regional <br />interpretations. Some of the most well-developed examples can be found in California and in the southern stales <br />(McAlester, 263488). <br />SUMMARYICONCLU SION: <br />The Eastin House qualifies for listing in the Santa Ana Register of Historical Properties under Criterion 1, for its <br />exemplification of the distinguishing characteristics of the Queen Anne style. Additionally, the house has been <br />categorized as "Contributive" because it "contributes to the overall character and history" of Santa Ana and "is a good <br />example of period architecture," representing the Queen Anne style (Municipal Code, Section 30-2.2). <br />EXPLANATION OF CODES: <br />• California Register Criteria for Evaluation, (From California Office: of Historic Preservation, Technical Assistance <br />Bulletin 0 7, September 4, 2001.) <br />3 It embodies the distinctive characteristics of a type, period, region, or melhod'or construction, or <br />repiesents'the work of a master, or possesses high artistic values. <br />• ' California Historical Resource Status Code. (From California Office of Historic Preservation Technical Assistance <br />Bulletin 98, November 2004).: <br />5S3 Appears to be individually eligible for local designation throuh survey evaluation. <br />EXHIBIT 2 <br />25A-55 <br />