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State of California—The Resources Agency <br />DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION <br />PRIMARY RECORD <br />Other L <br />Review <br />or <br />Primary <br />HRI #— <br />Trinomial <br />NRHP Status Code <br />by <br />P1, Other Identifier: <br />'132. Location: ❑Not for Publication ■Unrestricted "a. County ,Orange Counly <br />•b. USGS 7.5' Quad Dater September 7, 2017 <br />'c. Address 1121 South Hickory Street City Santa Ana Zip 92701 <br />'a. Othor Locational Data: APN 011-070-14 Tract: 400 Block: F Lot: 14 <br />'123a. Description: (Describa resource and its major elements. Include design, materials, condition, alterations, size, setting. and boundaries.) <br />Located on the east side of South Hickory Street, the building is a one-story, single-family residetce constructed in the <br />Quvon Anna style. RoctanguJar in pfan, fho building has a moderato-pifch, hipped roof with cross gables nt the north and <br />south efevabons, and a partial wraparound porch along the ,vest and south elevations. The roof treatment consists of boxed <br />eaves, and is, clad in contemporary asphalt shingle roofing. The ox(erior is clad in thin c:fapboard siding, throughout, with the <br />exception of frshscele. shingles in the pediments. The primary entry is set within the wraparound porch at the west elevation, <br />and conshrs of a rontomporaryrortangular door The ,)symfnatricaf oxterior features ono•dver-rine uoubfe-hung ev ndoCvs set <br />tri wood frames, as well as several types of contemparary fixed, caseoient, and'sfiding sash windows—most with faux <br />munlins. it detached garage constructed in 1930 is fucated at (he southeast corner of Ilia parcel, appears to have been <br />oxlonsivoly altered, and is accessible via a simpie pourer! carcrefe driveway. Thorn appears to be an additional accessory <br />building to the east of the residerice, but its use was not determined from the righl-of-way. The rectangular parcel is <br />landscopcd with farm, mature palm trots, and various loev vego/anon at the front setback: Tho buildings and overall proocrty <br />are./h ;good condition. Oea_pite being moved lofts current location in 1930, the bu8dirig retains sutficien_! integrity to convey its <br />original design. <br />'P3b. Resource Attributes: (list attributes and codes) HP2. SingfedamilyPiopetty <br />1134. Resources Present: ■Building ❑Structure, ❑Object []Site []District ❑ElernentofDistrict 00ther <br />UN I <br />� 4 <br />n ( r <br />1' .mss <br />'1311. Report Citation: (cite survey report and othersources, orontcr'nono") <br />None. <br />P5b. Photo: (filer: and d?le) <br />West elevation, view northwest <br />August 2017 <br />'P6. Date ConstructedlAge and <br />Sources: ■historic <br />19072r1iow.corn <br />'P7. Owner and Address: <br />Jillian Andrews <br />1121 South Hickory Street <br />Santa Ana, GA 92701 <br />'Pg. Recorded by: <br />Brian Me Inc., for the <br />City of Santa Ana <br />20 Civic Center Plaza 1v1-20 <br />Santo Ana, CA 92702 <br />'Pg, Date Recorded: <br />September 7, 2017 <br />'P19: Survay Typo: <br />lniensive Survey Update <br />'Attachments: ❑None OLocation Map OSketch Asap ■Continuation Shoot eBuiiding, Slrurturn-, and Object Record <br />❑Amhaeningiiml Rocord ❑District Record ❑Linear Frrdur: Record ❑Failling Statinn Record ❑Rock Art Record <br />❑Artifact Record ❑Photografih Record O Other (list) <br />❑PR 523A (1195) <br />25A-56 <br />'Required information <br />