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HRCA No. 2017-23,,HRC No.•.2017-22 <br />HPPA'No.'2017-28. <br />October 5,'20.17 <br />Page;T <br />The strubturetdentified meets the minimum selection criteria 2pr Inclusion onTic Santa,Ana, Register <br />of Historical Properties pursuant .to criteria;contafned In Section 30.2 ,of the Santa -Ana- Municipal <br />I <br /> the'6b, ilding'is 87,years.old. 'No linown code.vtolations exist on record:fbtthis;property. <br />The properly, recognized as. the'K; H.'Sufherland!House;'has:distinctive;architectural•.f6at&ds. 6. lite <br />'Fre nch'Erlecticstyle, and yras Built in 1931): Cha"racterdefining'features of the K: H: Sutlieriand'Hause, <br />that sh'ould be preserved 'include, but,inay, not be limited td: rhaterials:arid finishes, original'windows <br />where. extant;}patternoal"features' in lhe•6tuc_66 walls; rool'sha'pe:andi mat&ials',,arched_.entryway opening; and <br />brick chimney: Typi:of ttie'.French iEclecUc style illusfrated by'fhe:house mclude;,its <br />asymnietrical cornpos(tioi palterrled "stucco walls; painted door; .multi=paned casement wdifidaWs;. <br />and wood, shingle: rooi(Exhibit 2); <br />It is eecoriirriended designatetl to the;Santa Ana,Registerof Historical Fropertiesarid <br />categorized"at "Key fonts the distinguishing charactensliis of the.;French Ecl=ctic <br />style;'arid for its association with"a=signtficarit•figure <br />!0 66 history of Santa Ana. Typical features bfahe <br />French, Eclectic; style illustrated'by the'hou'se include its asynimotrical compuAion;.pattemedcstucco <br />walis;,pointed door,.rriulti-p6ned casement -windows; and, wood, shingle roof: ,Additionally; the'.hou'se <br />has been calegorized'a's "Key" because it ls,an•intact example of'a French' Eclectic style residence in <br />the Floral Park neighborh6dd, and "h"assa distinctive architectural style and qugIlty7' The building is'atsa <br />cafegorized'as "Key" because it is'!"associated With -a significant pisrson int the city," as}(`H, Sutherlind <br />served, as Orange County's deputy:health :officer while he Lived in theftuse: <br />Mills ActApreement <br />Ordinance No.:NS-2382 authorized the Historio"Resources.'Comm ssion fo.execute_ Hlstorir,.Propie- <br />Preservation Agreements (HPPA), .commonly'known as MillstAct agreements'for eligible properties <br />(Exhibit3). To be eligible for,the Mills .Acl; the property musEbb'listed on the'Sanla Ana Register of <br />Historical iNciperttes: The Historic Resource's .Comm'issian Application 'and !Historic Register <br />Categorization a ctions•pr000sed':fcr this site authorize the listing of the property.on the local, register. <br />The agreement provides monetary rncentitie do. the property owner in the fGrm of a `properly lax <br />seduction in exchange.for,lhe-owner's volunt6rV commitmenl'to.maintain the,pro,perty in,a•good state <br />of repair'as hecessaryto maintain'itstharacter and appearance. Once. recorded, the agreenierit <br />generate's•a different valuaiibn methopro <br />d in determining'the perty's assessed walue,'resufting in ;tax <br />savings for the owner: Aside from the lax savings; the.ben&i s include: <br />4 Long _term preservation�of the property and visual jftroveiiient to the, neighborhood' <br />• Allows fora mechanisr'h to provide,forpro,perty rehabilitation <br />• Provides additional -incentive forpoteritial buyers to"purchase,liistoric,structures. <br />t Discourages Inappropdate.alterationsto,the property <br />25A-76 <br />